NJ special ed teacher accused of sexually assaulting student: prosecutor

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Allison Havemann-Niedrach Allison Havemann-Niedrach, a typical ed teacher astatine Freehold Intermediate School successful New Jersey, was charged pinch sexually assaulting her student Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office

A New Jersey typical acquisition coach was charged pinch molesting 1 of her students, authorities said. 

Allison Havemann-Niedrach, a 43-year-old typical education teacher astatine Freehold Intermediate School, was deed pinch 1 count each of first-degree aggravated intersexual battle and second-degree kid use endangerment, Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond Santiago said Saturday.

The Jackson resident was arrested earlier this week aft an investigation by the MCPO Special Victims Bureau and Freehold Police Department revealed that Havemann-Niedrach allegedly began sexually abusing her student earlier this year, Santiago said.

External changeable of freehold intermediate schoolHavemann-Niedrach allegedly began assaulting her student earlier this year, according to authorities. Homes.com

The prosecutor’s agency did not opportunity really galore times Havemann-Niedrach assaulted her pupil aliases really authorities learned astir nan abuse. The student’s property is besides unknown, but grades six done 8 be Freehold Intermediate School.

Havemann-Niedrach has worked for nan Freehold Borough School District since 2022, according to her LinkedIn page, wherever she describes herself arsenic a “passionate, results-driven and sincere educator.”

Asia Michael, schools superintendent for nan Freehold Borough School District, wrote an email to unit and parents Friday nighttime flagging a “former unit member” had been arrested, according to nan Asbury Park Press. 

“It is pinch a dense bosom that I must stock immoderate distressing news pinch you,” nan email began.

“We person been informed that a erstwhile unit personnel has been arrested connected allegations of third-degree aggravated intersexual battle and inappropriate intersexual behaviour pinch a minor,” it continued.

Havemann-Niedrach is presently being held astatine nan Monmouth County Jail, pending her first quality and a proceeding to find whether she will proceed to beryllium detained while awaiting trial, according to authorities. 

Her lawyer, Thomas Huth, told APP that Havemann-Niedrach “maintains her innocence astatine this time.”

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