NYC store clerk beaten, dragged by shoplifters in brutal caught-on-video clash: ‘Next thing I knew I was at the hospital’

Trending 2 days ago

A Bronx convenience shop clerk recalled really a brace of shoplifting goons dragged him retired onto nan sidewalk and hit him unconscious earlier moving disconnected leaving him bloodied connected nan ground.

Sam Balfour, 63, was down nan antagonistic astatine nan Mobil state position mart wherever he’s worked for 13 years erstwhile nan 2 thugs walked successful soon aft 12:30 a.m. Saturday to rob nan store, he told The Post.

Sam Balfour said he tried to extremity a brace of shoplifters astatine nan Mobil convenience mart wherever he useful successful nan Bronx and they knocked him unconscious and fled. Matthew McDermott

“I didn’t recognize they were together,” Balfour, still shaken from nan assault, said Monday. “One of them came to nan antagonistic and asked maine if I had Newports. I told him we don’t person Newports. Meanwhile, nan different feline was stealing from nan fridge.”

Surveillance footage shows nan 2nd crook cleaning retired nan store’s proviso of Ensure from a freezer successful nan back, stuffing a backpack pinch nan high-protein portion while Balfour was distracted.

“When I saw that nan was stealing I tried to fastener nan doorway to protect my stock,” nan clerk said. “But I didn’t recognize [the 2 men] were together. One of them kicked nan doorway to unfastened it and they started pulling maine retired from nan store.

One of nan crooks kept clerk Sam Balfour engaged while nan 2nd ransacked nan freezer astatine nan Bronx convenience mart connected Saturday. Obtained by nan NY Post
Sam Blafour tried to support nan crooks from getting distant pinch merchandise and they slubbed him and knocked him retired cold. Obtained by nan NY Post

“I grabbed nan backpack and was trying to propulsion back,” Balfour said. “And each of a abrupt they pulled maine each nan measurement out, and 1 of them deed maine successful nan cervix and pulled nan container from me. I fell and deed my caput connected nan concrete. I blacked out. The adjacent point I knew I was astatine nan hospital.”

The footage from nan shop captured nan onslaught and shows what appears to beryllium an worker astatine nan shop and a 2nd personification checking connected nan unconscious clerk aft nan thieves flee.

Balfour was taken to Maimonides Medical Center and was successful unchangeable condition.

A hard-working autochthonal of Ghana, Balfour said he now suffers from dizzy spells and is plagued by symptom successful his head, cervix and enarthrosis arsenic a consequence of nan cowardly attack.

NYPD says this is 1 of 2 thugs who robbed and hit Bronx convenience shop clerk Sam Balfour connected Saturday. DCPI
One of nan thugs sought for beating and robbing Bronx Mobil convenience shop clerk Sam Balfour. DCPI

Photos released by nan NYPD show 1 fishy wearing a “Super Mario” headdress and a achromatic t-shirt pinch a Game Boy logo, and nan different pinch a achromatic headdress and a black, long-sleeved garment pinch a photograph connected nan front.

“It’s not fair,” he said. “These are young people. They tin spell to find a job. To bargain from somebody’s business, nan business collapses and I don’t person a occupation to provender my family. I effort to protect my job, you know?” 

He said Saturday’s scary wasn’t his first brushwood pinch crooks astatine nan store.

“One time, astir 8 months ago, a feline came and tried to return nan full register,” Balfour said.

“So, I called nan police. I wouldn’t let him. He was pulling connected it and I was pulling back, and he ran distant earlier nan constabulary sewage there,” he added. “Eventually they recovered him and arrested him.”

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