Paige Spiranac teases Fourth of July hot dog 'surprise' after offering to replace Joey Chestnut at Coney Island eating contest

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By Emily Selleck

Published: 17:37 EDT, 1 July 2024 | Updated: 17:50 EDT, 1 July 2024

Paige Spiranac is teasing a basking dog-related astonishment up of Independence Day. 

The play glamor woman took to her Instagram Story this week to stock a threat of herself successful afloat glitter posing pinch a sheet of wieners. 

'So excited for you to spot each nan July 4th contented I person planned for you positive a surprise,' she captioned nan photo, successful which she rocked a debased trim bluish apical covered successful stars. 

She added a brace of cut-off denim shorts and styled her blonde hairsbreadth successful loose curls. 

The station came a mates of weeks aft nan societal media sensation offered to switch Joey Chestnut successful nan 2024 Nathan’s Hot Dog eating contest. 

Paige Spiranac is teasing a basking dog-related astonishment up of nan Fourth of July

She previously offered to switch pro eater Joey Chestnut successful nan Coney Island basking canine contest

'I’m disposable to capable in. My grounds is 6.5 hotdogs successful 10 minutes,' Spiranac said connected X. 

The world of competitory eating was shocked to study that 16-time champion Joey Chestnut would not beryllium allowed to compete successful this year's Independence Day extravaganza owed to his marque woody pinch Impossible Foods. 

Chestnut's title grounds astatine nan yearly Coney Island arena is 76 basking dogs devoured successful 10 minutes - 69.5 much than Spiranac's self-reported amount. 

The 31-year-old later shared a clip of herself showing disconnected her competitory eating skills, nevertheless she conceded she was only capable to eat six basking dogs alternatively than six and a half. 

The erstwhile golfer ate nan sausages first, followed by nan buns, and washed it all down pinch a solid of water.

The erstwhile master golfer later shared a clip of herself downing six basking dogs 

Chestnut will not beryllium competing successful this year's July 4 basking canine eating contest 

When she yet arrived astatine her sixth dog, Spiranac started to struggle, and moreover gave immoderate to her puppy.

'That sucked, nan method of nan 2 dogs astatine erstwhile was not it,' she said successful nan clip.

'I started retired excessively fierce and it was not nan move, I should person conscionable stuck pinch my scheme of 1 astatine a time,' she went on.

'The first portion was conscionable nan density of it, I conscionable had truthful overmuch successful my rima that I could not swallow and that was nan hardest part.'

The influencer admitted that moreover 'the smell' of basking dogs was making her 'gag' aft attempting to beryllium her skills.  

'It was for illustration these immense chunks and I did not cognize what to do, truthful that was not fun,' she concluded.

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