Robert F. Kennedy Jr. unveils millionaire lawyer Nicole Shanahan as his VP pick: Independent introduces ex-wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin

Trending 3 months ago
  • Independent statesmanlike campaigner Robert F. Kennedy announced Tuesday that Nicole Shanahan would beryllium his vice statesmanlike pick
  • The 38-year-old millionaire lawyer joined Kennedy successful her hometown of Oakland, California 
  • She's nan ex-wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin and funded Kennedy's Super Bowl commercial  

By Nikki Schwab, Senior U.S. Political Reporter For Dailymail.Com In Oakland, California

Published: 15:29 EDT, 26 March 2024 | Updated: 15:51 EDT, 26 March 2024

Independent statesmanlike campaigner Robert F. Kennedy announced Tuesdsay that millionaire lawyer Nicole Shanahan was his moving mate. 

In her hometown of Oakland, California, Kennedy teased who he had picked earlier bringing Shanahan onstage - noting that his prime was a woman, an avid surfer, who possessed nan 'gift of curiosity' and had 'a heavy emotion of nan United States of America.'

Upon naming Shanahan, nan independent hopeful said that her astir important property was her property - 38 - arsenic he wanted a younger procreation represented connected his 2024 ticket.  

Ahead of nan announcement a wide formed of characters were mentioned arsenic portion of nan veepstakes.

New York Jets subordinate Aaron Rodgers, rapper Killer Mike, ex-wrestler and former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura, erstwhile Democratic statesmanlike hopefuls Andrew nan and ex-Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Dirty Jobs big Mike Rowe, life coach Tony Robbins, Republican Sen. Rand Paul, erstwhile Republican Sen. Scott Brown, Libertarian podcaster Dave Smith and Tricia Lindsay, a GOP campaigner for authorities Senate successful New York were each referenced.

Independent statesmanlike campaigner Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced Tuesday that Nicole Shanahan was his vice statesmanlike pick 

Supporters of independent statesmanlike campaigner Robert F. Kennedy Jr. cheer up of his vice statesmanlike announcement Tuesday greeting successful Oakland, California 

By Tuesday it was wide expected to beryllium Shanahan - arsenic RFK Jr. teased that he wanted to adhd a young, caller look to his ticket. 

'We were looking for personification who could correspond young people. Millennials and Gen Z. They're nan privilege of my campaign, conscionable arsenic young group were successful 1968 nan privilege of my father's run and 1960, my uncle,' he told San Francisco's KCBS Radio connected Monday. 

Nicole Shanahan astatine a gala successful Los Angeles successful 2021

He said that young Americans were 'bearing nan brunt of nan bad activity that we've had successful nan past.'

'You know, they're nan ones who are paying nan debt. They’re nan ones who are suffering from chronic disease. And truthful really wanted personification young. I deliberation Nicole is 38-years-old,' he teased. 'I wanted personification who's ace smart. I wanted an jock who tin animate Americans to get patient again.' 

Shanahan fresh nan measure - holding a rule grade and launching a institution successful her 20s while still pursuing her JD.

She lists among her hobbies paddle boarding, snowboarding, swimming, running, yoga and surfing. 

Shanahan met her 2nd husband, Google co-founder Sergey Brin astatine a Lake Tahoe yoga retreat and bonded pinch her existent partner Jacob Strumwasse astatine Burning Man wherever they discussed their shared emotion of surfing. 

Kennedy had gathered supporters Tuesday astatine nan 110-year-old Henry J. Kaiser Center successful Oakland, Shanahan's hometown to denote her arsenic his pick. 

His wife, Curb Your Enthusiasm character actress Cheryl Hines, introduced him - asking those successful nan assemblage to support those impacted by nan Baltimore span illness successful their minds. 

Hines said astir really her husband, 'Bobby,' was bringing together Americans from each governmental stripes.  

'And America is listening and is inspired,' she said. 

Kennedy and his woman embraced onstage and past nan campaigner took nan podium for much than 35 minutes earlier inviting Shanahan to travel out. 

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