Automotive billionaire Frank Stronach, 91, is arrested again on eight new sexual assault and rape charges as investigators claim they 'have identified additional victims'

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Automotive billionaire Frank Stronach, 91, has been arrested erstwhile again, and is now facing moreover much intersexual battle and rape charges.

Stronach, nan laminitis of auto-parts elephantine Magna, was accused earlier this month of sexually assaulting victims opening successful nan 1980s and lasting up until 2023.

He was past charged with five criminal offenses, including rape, intersexual assault, indecent battle connected a female, and forcible confinement.

But connected Wednesday, Peel Regional Police said they 'have identified further victims' and charged him pinch 8 much counts of intersexual assault. 

Those see six counts of intersexual assault, 1 count attempted rape and 1 count of indecent battle connected a female, nan Toronto Star reports.

Automotive billionaire Frank Stronach, 91, has been arrested and charged pinch much counts of intersexual battle and rape

Peel Regional Police Constable Tyler Bell antecedently noted that location were aggregate accusers, but he declined to specify really ample nan number was.

'Obviously, this is simply a high-profile case. Our typical victims portion is bound to protect nan victims and successful doing truthful that's why we're being vague,' Bell said.

'There is much than 1 unfortunate but we won't corroborate that number yet,' he added.

It remains unclear really galore further victims whitethorn person travel guardant to impeach Stronach of intersexual battle since his apprehension connected June 7.

But 1 alleged unfortunate is said to person reached retired to constabulary wrong hours of nan first charges being announced, a root acquainted pinch nan investigation told nan CBC. 

Another woman, writer Jane Boon, besides claimed successful an op-ed that Stronach had activity pinch her erstwhile she was conscionable 19 years aged and he was 54.

She wrote that nan Austrian-Canadian businessman interviewed her erstwhile she was a precocious schoolhouse student and selected her for a danasiwa to GMI - now Kettering University - successful Flint, Michigan to study engineering.

Frank pictured pinch his girl Belinda Stronach and his woman Elfriede, who passed distant earlier this year   

While successful schoolhouse successful 1986, she claimed she attended Magna's yearly shareholders gathering and was invited to an afterparty astatine Stronach's Toronto restaurant, Rooney's.

Towards nan extremity of nan dinner, Boon said Stronach insisted connected driving her to Magna's firm impermanent location successful Ontario, and they had sex.

Boon has not complained to cops astir nan incident, according to nan Globe and Mail, but said she is now emotion uneasy astir nan encounter.

'At nan time, I thought it was consensual,' she wrote. 'But if it wasn't rape, it surely wasn't right.' 

Stronach was owed to look successful Ontario tribunal connected July 8 anterior to nan caller charges being levied against him. It is unclear whether that tribunal day will still stand. 

In nan meantime, his lawyer, Brian Greenspan - whose erstwhile notable clients included Naomi Campbell and Justin Bieber - says nan car parts magnate denies nan allegations 'and will vigorously take sides these further untested allegations making love backmost to 1977.'

He noted that Stronach 'has spent his life committed to nan betterment of nan Canadian organization and industry' and said he now 'plans to proceed to give his power and resources to his activity advocating for nan take of a Canadian Economic Charter of Rights to use workers, mini businesses, family farmers and nan Canadian economy.'

Stronach (pictured pinch nan precocious Queen) is 

Stronach 'has spent his life committed to nan betterment of nan Canadian organization and industry', according to his lawyer 

Born successful Austria successful 1932, Stronach grew up nether Nazi norm earlier moving to Canada successful nan mid-50s.

In 1957, nan entrepreneur launched Magna successful his garage, and complete nan years, he built it into 1 of nan world's biggest suppliers of car parts.  

The institution now has a marketplace capitalization of $12.52 billion.

But successful a statement, a spokesperson for nan institution noted that 'Stronach has had nary affiliation pinch Magna since he relinquished power successful 2010.'

He added that executives astatine nan institution had 'no knowledge of nan investigation aliases nan allegations that person been raised beyond what has been reported successful nan media.'

Some of nan entrepreneur's different business ventures included nan creation of The Stronach Group, a institution that specializes successful equine racing. 

In 2013, nan auto-parts tycoon returned to Austria, wherever he dabbled successful authorities by founding and starring a populist right-wing governmental statement called Team Stronach for Austria. 

Two months later, Stronach moved backmost to Canada, wherever he named to nan Order of Canada, 1 of nan nation's astir prestigious distinctions. 

Belinda Stronach yet countersued her father, saying he mislaid an tremendous magnitude of money connected pet projects (pictured pinch his girl Belinda)

In 2018, nan billionaire sued his girl Belinda, 2 grandchildren, and erstwhile business subordinate Alon Ossip for complete $500 cardinal successful Ontario Superior Court. 

Stronach alleged that they had mismanaged nan family's assets, of which he wished to regain control. 

Belinda, a erstwhile Canadian Member of Parliament and CEO of Magna, countersued her father, saying that he had mislaid an tremendous magnitude of money connected pet projects. 

The lawsuit was yet settled. Stronach's woman Elfriede passed distant aged 80 successful March this twelvemonth aft battling illness. 

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