Orel Mangala departs Nottingham Forest for Lyon in £15m switch after the Belgian star impressed during initial loan spell at Ligue 1 side

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  • Orel Mangala spent 2 years astatine Nottingham Forest aft joining from Stuttgart
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By Simon Jones and Ryan Walker

Published: 05:21 EDT, 3 July 2024 | Updated: 05:21 EDT, 3 July 2024

Nottingham Forest midfielder Orel Mangala has completed his £15m move to Lyon aft antecedently spending half of past play connected indebtedness astatine nan French club.

The 25-year-old struggled to summation accordant playing clip during his two-year stint astatine nan City Ground aft initially joining from Bundesliga broadside Stuttgart successful 2022.

His imperishable transportation has seen Forest slope complete £2m successful profit aft he primitively joined for conscionable £12.7m. 

Forest person been keen to waste players deemed surplus to requirements successful a bid to trim their fund and debar being sanctioned nether nan Premier League's profit and sustainability rules.

The nine were antecedently docked 4 points past play for breaching nan rules connected spending but managed to debar relegation pinch a 17th-placed decorativeness successful nan Premier League.

Nottingham Forest midfielder Orel Mangala has completed his £15m move to Lyon

Mangala featured successful each 1 of Belgium's matches astatine Euro 2024 earlier they collapsed retired nan competition

Mangala primitively slotted into Forest's midfield nether erstwhile head Steve Cooper and went connected to make 31 appearances upon nan club's return to England's top-flight.

He past made a further 22 outings during nan first-half of past play earlier Lyon secured a indebtedness woody successful January arsenic they effort to retrieve from a torrid commencement successful Ligue 1.

Mangala made 22 outings during nan first-half of past play earlier joining Lyon connected loan

The midfielder played an integral portion successful transforming Lyon's fortunes arsenic his quality coincided pinch a stunning turnaround that saw nan French giants yet decorativeness sixth successful nan league.

Mangala's awesome performances successful France were besides capable to gain him a spot successful Belgium's Euro 2024 squad.

He went connected to characteristic successful each crippled of their European Championship run earlier they were dumped retired of nan tourney by France.

Confirming Mangala's departure, Forest posted a connection online, stating: 'We convey Orel for his contributions during his clip astatine nan Club and wish him each nan champion for nan future.'

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