Mom confesses to accidentally exposing infant to heroin that led to child’s overdose: ‘It never should have happened’

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A Kentucky mother confessed to accidentally exposing her 8-month-old babe to heroin, which led to nan babe overdosing, successful disturbing audio released by investigators.

The Boone County Sheriff’s Office responded to a distressing telephone to nan location of Brianne Ehlinger, 33, successful Burlington successful November 2023 aft her babe girl went into respiratory distress.

Following an investigation, Ehlinger and nan girl’s father, Shawn Gardner, 35, were arrested successful December erstwhile constabulary discovered nan kid had gone into respiratory apprehension arsenic a consequence of overdosing connected heroin, according to Fox 19.

Brianne Ehlinger confessed to accidentally exposing her eight-month-old babe to heroin, which led to nan babe overdosing. Boone County Sheriff’s Office

Now, recently released audio from constabulary reveals nan sloppy mother confessing to officers really she exposed her young kid to nan deadly narcotic.

“It’s a lot,” a detective interrogating Ehlinger tells her successful nan audio clip obtained by Fox 19.

“It ne'er should person happened,” a tearful Ehlinger tells nan investigator.

“Yeah, yeah. It decidedly ne'er should person happened, but from here, this is really we moved guardant and makes things better,” nan detective tells nan mother.

Ehlinger shares pinch nan detective that she’s struggled pinch supplier addiction since she was 18 years aged and had precocious relapsed aft being cleanable for 2 years.

Shawn Gardner, nan girl’s father, was besides arrested erstwhile constabulary discovered nan kid had gone into respiratory apprehension arsenic a consequence of overdosing connected heroin. Boone County Sheriff’s Office

Ehlinger sobs arsenic she specifications really she utilized heroin earlier playing pinch her kid and mistakenly allowed her babe to ingest nan supplier from her hands.

“Later on, I was playing pinch my kids, and I thought she had thing successful her mouth. So, I put my digit successful her rima to cheque her rima and past she kinda, like… she wasn’t breathing, for illustration thing was going on,” Ehlinger explained. “So, we called 911 and I didn’t moreover deliberation astir thing being connected my hands.”

Ehlinger told investigators she typically washes her hands aft utilizing heroin but had forgotten earlier playing pinch her daughter.

Ehlinger shares pinch nan detective that she’s struggled pinch supplier addiction since she was 18 years aged and had precocious relapsed aft being 2 years clean. Shawn Gardner / Facebook

She past admitted to having heroin “on” her digit erstwhile she put it successful her mouth.

The mother told constabulary that Gardner called 911 erstwhile nan babe became unconscious and stopped breathing.

Ehlinger past said she and her sister tried their champion to support nan babe live while waiting desperately for emergency services to get astatine nan location astir 16 miles distant from Cincinnati, Ohio.

Ehlinger is seen being arrested astatine her location successful December. Boone County Sheriff’s Office

“Me and my sister gave her CPR because she was still benignant of breathing, but she was going retired of it,” Ehlinger said.

Miraculously, first responders were capable to administer a life-saving dose of Narcan to nan 8-month-old.

Ehlinger’s girl spent nan adjacent fewer days nether doctor’s eyes astatine nan Cincinnati Children’s Hospital earlier she was released.

Ehlinger told investigators she typically washes her hands aft utilizing heroin but had forgotten earlier playing pinch her daughter. Shawn Gardner / Facebook

The kid has since been taken into attraction of by nan Cabinet for Health and Family Services, according to nan outlet.

Following their apprehension successful December, nan negligent mom told officers that Gardner gave her nan heroin.

Ehlinger besides told constabulary that she and Gardner utilized heroin distant from nan child before she accidentally put her digit laced pinch heroin residue successful her baby’s mouth.

Ehlinger alleged to investigators that Gardner gave her nan heroin. Brianne Ehlinger / Facebook

Both were held connected $100,000 bonds arsenic ineligible proceedings were pending.

However, Ehlinger pleaded blameworthy to wanton endangerment and endangering nan use of a insignificant successful May.

She will look sentencing for her crimes later this period and is expected to look up to 1 to 5 years down bars, according to nan outlet.

Gardner will besides look successful tribunal this period to look akin charges.

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