Delta flight forced to make emergency landing at JFK over ‘contaminated food’

Trending 2 days ago

An Amsterdam-bound Delta Airlines formation has been forced to make an emergency landing astatine JFK aft passengers were served “contaminated food.”

Passengers aboard Delta formation 136 retired of Detroit, Mich., were reportedly served a information of nan in-flight repast work that was spoiled, according to nan Daily Mail.

“Delta formation 136 from Detroit to Amsterdam diverted to New York’s JFK early Wednesday greeting aft it was discovered that a information of nan in-flight repast work was spoiled,” a Delta Airlines spokesperson told nan outlet.

AFP via Getty Images

Flight attendants contacted aesculapian experts connected nan ground, who instantly diverted nan level to JFK arsenic it was astir to statesman its travel crossed nan Atlantic.

The formation landed safely astatine JFK astir 4 a.m. connected Wednesday.

Passengers were met by aesculapian unit upon presence astatine nan New York City airport.

The flight, which departed from Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport conscionable earlier 11 p.m. connected Tuesday, had 277 passengers onboard and was group to onshore successful nan Netherlands astatine 4:15 a.m. section clip connected July 4.

Flight attendants contacted aesculapian experts connected nan ground, who instantly diverted nan level to JFK arsenic it was astir to statesman its travel crossed nan Atlantic. Flight attendants contacted aesculapian experts connected nan ground, who instantly diverted nan level to JFK arsenic it was astir to statesman its travel crossed nan Atlantic. Flightaware

It is not yet known really galore passengers aliases unit members fell sick arsenic a consequence of eating nan spoiled food, if any.

This is simply a processing story. Check backmost for updates.

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