Masterchef Australia's Andy Allen cuddles up to wife Alex as they lead arrivals at Beauty and the Beast premiere in Melbourne

Trending 2 days ago

By Mary Mrad For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 19:12 EDT, 29 June 2024 | Updated: 19:21 EDT, 29 June 2024

MasterChef Australia judge Andy Allen put connected a loved-up show pinch his woman Alex arsenic they attended the premiere of Beauty and nan Beast successful Melbourne connected Saturday.

The 36-year-old looked stylish successful velvet grey pants and a matching coloured overgarment arsenic he arrived to Her Majesty's Theatre alongside his glamorous wife.

The TV prima completed his look pinch a achromatic striped garment and wore a brace of chunky achromatic boots.

Andy was each smiles arsenic he wrapped his limb astir Alex, who dressed to impressment successful a shiny brownish blazer and pants.

The blonde beauty vanished her ensemble pinch a achromatic apical and wore a brace of achromatic stilettos to nan event.

Alex near her agelong consecutive locks retired and fto her earthy beauty shine, by opting for a neutral constitution palette.

The mates were besides joined by Tully Smyth and her fellow Ned.

The erstwhile Big Brother prima put connected a stylish show successful a agleam pinkish strapless dress and a brace of grey heels.

MasterChef Australia judge Andy Allen put connected a loved-up show pinch his woman Alex arsenic they attended nan premiere of Beauty and nan Beast successful Melbourne connected Saturday

Tully held a metallic handbag and wore ample connection earrings arsenic she posed connected nan reddish carpet.

She embraced her beau, who looked dapper successful a navy tuxedo, a achromatic buttoned garment and a brace of achromatic dress shoes.

Meanwhile, Olivia Molly Rogers went public pinch her caller man as they walked nan reddish carpet astatine nan premiere.

The beauty queen could not swipe nan grin disconnected her look arsenic she cuddled up to nan handsome enigma man, who she has not yet named.

The mates were besides joined by Tully Smyth and her fellow Ned

The exemplary looked gorgeous successful a agleam mini dress pinch a plunging neckline, referencing nan musical's lead character, Belle, who is known for wearing a yellowish gown successful nan Disney adaption.

She had her trims pins connected show successful nan short frock, and matched it pinch satin, yellowish heels.

Olivia's fella looked dapper successful a striped blazer complete a acheronian shirt, achromatic trousers and arsenic leather boots.

Olivia Molly Rogers went nationalist pinch her caller man arsenic they walked nan reddish carpet astatine nan premiere

Former Neighbours prima Bonnie Anderson besides put connected a stylish show successful a agelong silk skirt and gathered top.

The character completed her ensemble pinch a brace of floral heels and coiled her short brunette locks.

Christine Whelan Browne went for a akin approach, arriving to nan arena successful an all-white ensemble.

She accessorised her mini dress pinch a brace of achromatic heels and carried a matching coloured clutch.

Former Neighbours prima Bonnie Anderson put connected a stylish show successful a agelong silk skirt and gathered top

Christine Whelan Browne went for a akin approach, arriving to nan arena successful an all-white mini dress

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