Netflix fans go wild as mid-2000s favorite lands on streaming platform

Trending 2 days ago
  • Streaming level made afloat bid disposable arsenic of Monday 
  • It clued viewers to what was connected nan measurement pinch a reference to nan series 
  • READ MORE: Netflix fans blast 'disgusting' caller documentary series 

By Adam S. Levy For

Published: 19:06 EDT, 1 July 2024 | Updated: 19:24 EDT, 1 July 2024

Netflix kicked disconnected nan period adding a celebrated noughties bid millions of viewers will beryllium judge to adhd to their summertime streaming schedule.

The streaming work has added a celebrated show that ran for 121 episodes connected a apical American web for six seasons betwixt 2004–2010, garnering 10 Primetime Emmys on nan way.

The escapade imagination centers astir nan aftermath of a level clang connected a deserted island, and really nan survivors activity pinch 1 different successful its wake.

The bid was a mainstream deed while processing a cult pursuing pinch TV viewers that remains 14 years since its first tally ended.

Netflix connected Monday teased nan summation to its room to its 22.5 cardinal X/Twitter followers pinch a bid of numbers that clasp value to nan storyline of nan series.

Netflix kicked disconnected nan period adding a celebrated noughties bid millions of viewers will beryllium judge to adhd to their summertime streaming schedule 

The bid successful mobility is Lost, nan deed ABC show that J.J. Abrams, Damon Lindelof and Jeffrey Lieber created, which is besides disposable connected Hulu.

Netflix and Disney successful 2023 reached a pact to jointly watercourse definite shows, which includes Lost arsenic good arsenic nan deed ABC bid Grey's Anatomy, according to Variety.

Netflix successful 2009 agreed to a pact pinch Disney/ABC for streaming authorities to nan show, which Hulu reobtained exclusive authorities to successful 2018, nan outlet reported.

The storyline of nan bid centered astir nan group who survived a clang connected a level headed from Sydney to Los Angeles.

The formed of nan bid includes Jorge Garcia, Josh Holloway, Yunjin Kim, Matthew Fox, Evangeline Lilly, Daniel Dae Kim, Terry O'Quinn, Naveen Andrews, Michael Emerson, Dominic Monaghan and Ken Leung.

The numbers included successful nan first tweet - 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42 - had aggregate meanings successful narration to nan show.

They referenced lottery numbers Garcia's characteristic Hugo 'Hurley' Reyes played; atomic numbers; and numerals successful an equation that foretold 'a bad omen,' according to nan outlet.

A number of fans took to societal media to observe nan news, pinch 1 calling nan bid nan 'BEST TV SHOW OF ALL TIME' while different said nan news deed them pinch a 'Nostalgia Wave.' 

Netflix connected Monday teased nan summation to its room to its 22.5 cardinal X/ Twitter followers pinch a bid of numbers that clasp value to nan storyline of nan series 

The streamer revealed that viewers successful nan U.S. are capable to watch each six seasons of nan show

A number of fans took to societal media to observe nan news, pinch 1 calling nan bid nan 'BEST TV SHOW OF ALL TIME' 

One instrumentality predicted nan bid mightiness frustrate a caller procreation of viewers pinch its twists and turns 

A number of viewers referred to nan arguable conclusion of nan series, which initially aired arsenic a two-part finale connected May 23, 2010 

The formed of nan deed noughties bid was pictured successful 2005 

Actor Jorge Garcia portrayed nan domiciled of Hugo 'Hurley' Reyes connected nan deed show 

One instrumentality predicted nan bid mightiness frustrate a caller procreation of viewers pinch its twists and turns.

'A bunch of Gen Z is going to watch this for nan first clip and get mega disappointment erstwhile they recognize halfway done that nan show runners person nary thought what they are doing,' nan personification said.

A number of viewers referred to nan arguable conclusion of nan series, which initially aired arsenic a two-part finale connected May 23, 2010.

'This show had nan astir chaotic ending,' 1 personification said. 'Kind of liked it benignant of did not.'

Said another, 'I’ve watched each bid measurement backmost and I’m still mislaid pinch nan existent result awesome bid it was.'

One personification advised, 'Just extremity watching earlier nan past show and dress they took it off.'

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