Abbie Chatfield exposes 'rude' driver for passive-aggressive driving act many of us are guilty of - but some insist SHE is in the wrong

Trending 2 days ago

By Savanna Young For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 19:22 EDT, 1 July 2024 | Updated: 19:24 EDT, 1 July 2024

Abbie Chatfield was near furious connected Monday aft an irate driver beeped astatine her to move retired of her parking spot while she was eating successful her car pursuing a yoga class.

The Bachelor star, 29, said she was emotion dizzy aft attending her fittingness class, truthful she decided to snack connected immoderate maize chips and guacamole to get immoderate energy. 

'Am I incorrect successful reasoning group shouldn't beep you when you get successful your car, and you're not fresh to spell yet? Like, I really deliberation that it's truthful f***ing rude,' she asked.

'I've gotten successful my car aft yoga and I consciousness really dizzy, truthful I sewage immoderate guac and chips from Guzman Y Gomez. And I'm sitting present trying to bask my chips, trying to get immoderate benignant of nutrient into maine earlier I commencement driving, because I'm shaking and I'm dizzy and I'm pre-menstrual and I consciousness really ill. Ill!

'I person an receptor infection. I conscionable request to eat thing earlier I get connected nan road. And this personification - they conscionable near - they were sitting there. Beeping astatine me!'

Abbie said she felt entitled to beryllium and eat successful bid without being disturbed aft paying for nan spot.

'I've paid for an hr and 27 minutes, that ends successful 3 minutes. I will beryllium present and eat my guac and chips,' she ranted.

Abbie Chatfield was near furious connected Monday aft an irate driver beeped astatine her to move retired of her parking spot while she was eating successful her car pursuing a yoga class 

'I'm allowed to beryllium and - I don't person to move because you can't find a car park! I'm sorry that you're late. I'm sorry. Am I wrong?'

In her caption, Abbie wrote: 'Parking successful Bondi is costly pls time off maine alone!!!!!!!!!!!!! This personification waited for for illustration 6 minutes ?????? (Still sitting present bc still dizzy).'

While galore group leapt to nan media personality's defense, 1 pointed retired it was inconsiderate owed to deficiency of parking spaces successful nan area.

'It's not really rude arsenic location isn't overmuch parking…' personification commented, to which Abbie replied: 'Not my issue!!! Call nan assembly babe!! I'm gonna walk out!!!'

Others agreed pinch Abbie, while offering tips to waiting drivers who are 'eyeing off' a parking space.

'You tin perfectly enactment parked and sitting successful your car,' 1 commented.

The Bachelor star, 29, said she was emotion dizzy aft attending her fittingness class, truthful she decided to snack connected immoderate maize chips and guacamole to get immoderate energy 

While galore group leapt to nan media personality's defense, 1 pointed retired it was inconsiderate owed to deficiency of parking spaces successful nan area 

'The only point is if you're going to your car and you tin intelligibly spot personification eyeing disconnected your parking spot past it's courtesy to either springiness them a small motion if you're leaving aliases do nan weird 'I'm not leaving yet wave'.

'So good to return each nan clip you need, but if you spot maine slowing to hold for your parkland arsenic you spell to get successful nan car please do maine nan favour of shaking your caput aliases giving maine a friends awesome to cognize you're not leaving soon! I'll beryllium connected my way!' added another. 

It comes aft Abbie admitted that she is presently 'hating herself'.

Last week, nan erstwhile power big revealed she was not emotion bully and tried to cheer herself up by posting a sultry selfie.

'YET AGAIN I americium shocked to find I americium hating myself successful nan days starring up to my period!' she wrote successful nan caption. 

'So here's a basking photograph of maine that I love, taken successful nan only spot successful LA that I liked, cropped because my t**s are out.'

'Desperate for validation while I hold for my adjacent ovulation phase!' she added.

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