Married At First Sight's Martha Kalifatidis is called out for 'fat shaming' her own mother as she shows off her svelte post-baby body in a swimsuit

Trending 1 day ago

By Mary Mrad For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 22:10 EDT, 30 June 2024 | Updated: 22:10 EDT, 30 June 2024

Martha Kalifatidis has been accused of 'fat shaming' her mother Mary connected Instagram.

The erstwhile Married At First Sight star, 36, shared a photograph to societal media of her mum successful a mini shirt dress.

'Won't extremity eating for a infinitesimal but wants a slender neck,' she captioned nan post.

Martha besides shared different photograph of Mary eating dessert and wrote: 'She's had 2 doughnuts pinch her java and now crystal cream. All earlier 9am.'

Her posts were shared by nan Influencer Updates AU Instagram page, who called her retired for 'fat shaming' her mother.

'Is Martha K's fat shaming of her mum funny aliases taking it excessively far?' they asked fans.

Martha's station comes aft she flaunted her fig arsenic she modelled bathers she was talented by nan marque Une Piece connected societal media.

She poured her framework into nan very form-fitting $239 frock which featured a squared neckline that highlighted her generous bust.

Married At First Sight's Martha Kalifatidis has been accused of 'fat shaming' her mother Mary connected Instagram

'This is nan quadrate neckline,' she said arsenic she flaunted nan piece.

At this point, Mary walked into nan bath to person a look astatine nan item, saying: 'Oh that's flattering.'

'I know. What do you think?' Martha asked.

Mary's hilarious consequence came erstwhile she poked 1 of Martha's breasts and lifted it, commenting, 'The large busters.'

The enactment each appeared to beryllium successful bully nosy though, arsenic Martha agreed pinch her mother's comments and added that nan bathing suit was very supportive.

The erstwhile Married At First Sight star, 36, shared a photograph to societal media of her mum successful a mini garment dress. 'Won't extremity eating for a infinitesimal but wants a slender neck,' she captioned nan post

Martha besides shared different photograph of Mary eating dessert and wrote: 'She's had 2 doughnuts pinch her java and now crystal cream. All earlier 9am'

It comes conscionable a fewer weeks aft Martha and her fiancé Michael Brunelli, who first met connected nan 2019 play of MAFS, revealed their one-year-old boy Lucius' first word.

The couple, who welcomed their first kid together successful February 2023, shared a saccharine clip of nan infinitesimal to Instagram past month.

In nan video, Lucius could beryllium seen blurting retired his father's sanction on respective occasions arsenic he faced nan camera.

'Did he opportunity Michael!?' his begetter captioned nan post.

Fans were speedy to stock their thoughts connected nan adorable clip, pinch 1 instrumentality commenting: 'I heard Michael excessively prob coz he hears his mum saying it each time lol.'

Martha's station comes aft she flaunted her fig arsenic she modelled bathers she was talented by nan marque Une Piece connected societal media

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