Perrie Edwards reveals 'horrendous' Little Mix regret which made them question 'if they should get back together' after going solo

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Perrie Edwards has revealed nan 'horrendous' regret Little Mix had which almost caused them to get backmost together prematurely after they divided up successful 2022. 

The singer, 30, admitted she and chap set mates Leigh-Anne Pinnock, 32, and Jade Thirlwall, 31, started to panic aft they 'put their ft down' to spell solo. 

Perrie has now said that aft nan set had been engaged for 10 years, since finding fame by winning nan X Factor successful 2011, nan girls were near 'bored retired of our minds' pinch each nan free clip they had.

Speaking to Nick Grimshaw and Angela Hartnett OBE connected their Dish from Waitrose podcast, nan mother-of-one said nan girls were texting each different saying they were 'sick' of sitting around. 

Perrie said: 'I retrieve we sat astatine location and we were successful a WhatsApp group and we were like, I'm bored. What are you up to today? 

Perrie Edwards has revealed nan 'horrendous' regret Little Mix had which almost caused them to get backmost together aft they divided up successful 2022

The singer, 30, admitted she and chap set mates Leigh-Anne Pinnock, 32, (right) and Jade Thirlwall, 31, (centre), started to panic aft they 'put location ft down' to spell solo

'And Leigh-Anne would beryllium like, "I'm really sick of this." And Jade's like, "Yeah, why did we push for this again?"

'And I'm like, "We've done it now, we person to spot it through." Cause we were like, should we spell back? Like, should we just, it was truthful weird. It was like, that was abnormal to us. 

'We were saturated retired of our minds, it was horrendous and now I emotion doing nothing. Like I'm really bully astatine it. So I don't deliberation I'd for illustration struggle that much. I emotion moving and I emotion besides not working. So I deliberation it's a bully balance.'

Last week Perrie flashed her abs successful a pinkish metallic bikini as she danced to her caller opus Tears successful a TikTok video pinch her family.

She displayed her toned fig successful nan thin-strapped two-piece while showing disconnected her champion creation moves.

In nan saccharine video, she taught her family nan choreography to her deed caller single.

She captioned nan post: 'Teaching my family nan Tears choreography... it almost ended successful tears [laughing look emoji].'

It came as fans praised her 'mind-blowing' 2nd azygous Tears, which dropped connected past month, arsenic she revealed that her boy Axel, two, features successful her upcoming debut album. 

Perrie has said that aft nan set had been engaged for 10 years nan girls were near 'bored retired of our minds' pinch each nan free clip they had

Perrie said: 'I retrieve we sat astatine location and we were successful a WhatsApp group and we were like, I'm bored. We were saturated retired of our minds, it was horrendous'

She added: 'We would beryllium like, What are you up to today? and Leigh-Anne’d beryllium like, "I'm really sick of this" and Jade's like, "Yeah, why did we push for this again?" We were like, should we spell back?'

Perrie showed disconnected her vocals successful her caller single, nan follow-up to April's Forget About Us.

Her debut solo way was number 1 for 2 weeks connected nan Big Top 40 floor plan and peaked wrong nan apical 10 of nan Official Charts. 

Perrie performed Forget About Us, Tears, and Whitney Houston's I Wanna Dance With Somebody successful a dazzling golden dress at nan Capital Summertime Ball recently.

On Heart FM past week, Perrie shared that fans will beryllium capable to perceive Axel erstwhile nan arsenic yet unnamed medium is released because he 'loves' to singing and she 'can't get free of him' erstwhile she's successful her location studio.

Perrie added: 'But he's only two... 3 successful August. He'll locomotion successful and go. "I'm gonna singing a song". And you'll conscionable guidelines and I'm like: 'Oh, my goodness."

'All nan producers and writers and everybody successful nan room person to conscionable guidelines location and perceive to Let It Go connected repetition nan aforesaid fto fewer lyrics over... and it conscionable keeps going ... He thrives connected group fixed him attention.'

Where Forget About Us was an Ed Sheeran popular ballad pinch state euphony influence, Tears is soft psyche pinch an '80s vibe.

In nan song, Perrie laments nan tears she wasted connected an ex and, while saying she knows she will ne'er get them back, she vows he will ne'er spot her outcry again. 

Describing nan inspiration for nan track, she said: 'This opus is astir coming retired of a bad business and letting spell of what has happened successful nan past.

It came arsenic fans praised her 'mind-blowing' 2nd azygous Tears arsenic she shared a behind-the-scenes glimpse astatine nan caller euphony video

Last period Perrie took to nan shape for her first solo capacity astatine nan Capital Summertime Ball held astatine Wembley Stadium

'It's that constituent wherever you consciousness empowered, and you time off nan tears down because you've travel retired nan different side. It’s a sultry and soft way that I'm really excited for you each to hear.'

Speaking connected Capital Breakfast recently, Perrie discussed nan difficulties of pursuing up a beardown debut.

She admitted: 'There is simply a spot of pressure. I deliberation there's a spot of unit because it's truthful different. But I did pass everybody. I did bring a disclaimer to nan table.

'When I promoted Forget About Us. I was like, my 2nd azygous and 3rd azygous are truthful different from nan first. So, I deliberation now you cognize what I mean by that, because Tears is for illustration sonically wholly different.'

Dish from Waitrose is disposable connected each podcast providers. 

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