Christie Brinkley celebrates lookalike daughter Sailor's 26th birthday with Italian themed family dinner

Trending 2 days ago

Christie Brinkley appeared to return nan lead successful organizing an Italian-themed meal to retrieve for her girl Sailor's 26th day bash.

And while nan legendary supermodel didn't springiness nan nonstop location of wherever family and friends 'celebrated nether our awesome Kitchen Tree', she did uncover successful nan past that nan prized spot is astatine their location successful nan Hamptons.

The doting mom kicked disconnected nan ceremony by taking a travel down representation lane by sharing a postulation of photos featuring Sailor passim nan years connected Tuesday.

Come Thursday, July nan 4th, 2 days aft her existent birthday, and Brinkley took backmost to her Instagram page to stock a bid of snaps of her daughter's elegant outdoor bash.

'The taxable was a nighttime successful Italy to observe Sailor's Birthday! And nan Summer evening was arsenic Bellissima arsenic my bambino Sailor Lee!' nan erstwhile catwalk queen, 70, gushed successful nan caption.

Christie Brinkley, 70, helped observe her daughter's 26th day bash pinch an Italian taxable meal 'under our awesome Kitchen Tree' successful nan Hamptons

Mother and girl showed disconnected their akin styles pinch manner successful their respective dresses

The longtime look of CoverGirl added, 'We celebrated nether our awesome Kitchen Tree wherever strings of lights looked for illustration twinkling stars that besides filled nan entity and on pinch nan happy day candles collected wishes for Sailors caller twelvemonth to beryllium her champion 1 yet!'

The screen photograph showed mother and girl pinch their arms wrapped astir each different while flashing large beaming smiles.

Standing adjacent nan agelong woody tables wherever meal would beryllium served later that evening, nan 2 lookalikes showcased their akin styles pinch nan proud mother decked retired successful a classical achromatic summertime dress pinch yellowish patterns and an off-the-shoulder design.

She besides went pinch nan classical look of tying a colorful scarf complete her agelong blonde tresses, while leaving immoderate strands of hairsbreadth falling retired nan front, arsenic good arsenic down her backmost respective inches.

The day woman went pinch an disconnected white-patterned dress that hugged her precocious assemblage for illustration a glove, while loosening up from nan waist connected down to her feet.

The manner exemplary opted to deterioration her blonde locks agelong and flowing down past her shoulders respective inches pinch immoderate soft waves and a portion successful nan middle.

There's besides a photograph of Sailor looking up pinch different infectious grin arsenic she was helping herself to immoderate of nan beautiful nutrient dispersed retired connected a table.

Several clips captured nan infinitesimal nan day barroom was placed successful beforehand of Sailor pinch a number of lit candles burning connected apical of it.

The awesome Kitchen Tree' is believed to beryllium astatine nan family's location successful nan Hamptons

The day woman flashed her infectious grin while helping herself to immoderate of nan Italian classics laid retired connected a colorful table

The proud mom besides shared a fewer videos, respective of which captured nan infinitesimal nan day barroom was put successful beforehand of her pinch each nan candles lit; while her mother was straight down her, her older sister Alexa Ray Joel and her fiancée Ryan Gleason disconnected to her right

The legendary supermodel gave her girl a large hig aft singing Happy Birthday

The day woman would yet reside each nan family and friends astatine nan party

Brinkley appeared to beryllium over-the-moon happy arsenic she hugged her girl arsenic they were astir to singing nan Happy Birthday song.

The videos besides captured her sister Alexa Ray Joel, who's begetter is musician Billy Joel, and her and her fiancée Ryan Gleason each celebrating together.

While location didn't look to beryllium immoderate pictures of him, nan 2 sisters, who are said to beryllium ver close, besides person a 29-year-old brother, Jack, who's begetter is Richard Taubman, Christie 3rd ex-husband Richard Taubman.

The day girl's dad, Hamptons-based designer Peter Cook, had been joined to her mother from 1996 to 2000, but it ended successful a nasty breakup when Brinkley learned of Cook’s matter pinch his then-19-year-old adjunct Diana Bianchi.

'Tonight was a loved filled dream,' Brinkley-Cook shared adjacent nan apical of nan photograph showing nan statement enjoying each other's company, arsenic good arsenic nan nutrient and drinks

Brinkley-Cook showed disconnected her off-white dress that hugged her precocious assemblage while loosening from nan waist connected down to her feet

The ceremony began pinch Brinkley sharing those photos of her girl done her 26 years connected Planet Earth that included a surprising A-list cameo.

A throwback threat showed a very young Sailor rocking blonde braids while opinionated adjacent to Mean Girls prima Lindsay Lohan.

Her mother captioned nan photograph pinch a playful motion to Lohan's celebrated movie: 'Never a Mean Girl and ever adventurous pinch your hairstyles!' 

In nan image, Lohan wore a multi-color bikini, arsenic she had her limb astir Sailor, who looked adorable successful a greenish swimsuit and achromatic pants.

Christie Brinkley, 70, began her ceremony for her daughter's 26th day connected Tuesday pinch a saccharine throwback threat of her pinch character Lindsay Lohan

The iconic supermodel marked nan juncture by posting a number of photos of her girl complete nan years; mom and girl are seen connected June 28 successful East Hampton

It's unclear really Lohan and Brinkley cognize each other, considering nan duo person not starred successful immoderate films together. 

Another image was a selfie of Sailor astatine nan airport, pinch her mom writing, 'Wishing you awesome adventures laughter and tons of love.' 

She besides posted 2 saccharine snaps of her girl pinch her dogs, calling her nan 'best pup mom I know.'

She's besides mom to Alexa Ray Joel, 38, whom she shares pinch singer-songwriter Billy Joel, and boy Jack Paris Brinkley-Cook, 29, whom she had with then-husband Richard Taubman.

Earlier this week Brinkley shared a tiny selfie pinch Sailor taken wrong a car that shows her wearing a achromatic cowboy chapeau while leaning somewhat towards her daughter.

'Don't beryllium a lady, beryllium a fable – Dolly Parton,' she captioned nan post. 

Another image was a selfie of Sailor astatine nan airport, pinch nan proud mom writing, 'Wishing you awesome adventures laughter and tons of love'

Brinkley besides posted a photograph of Sailor pinch her dogs, calling her nan 'best pup mom I know'

Sailor was besides seen cuddling up to her other  four-legged companion, Chester

Earlier this week Brinkley shared a tiny selfie pinch her babe woman featuring nan everlastingly screen girl  wearing a achromatic cowboy hat 

Sailor has followed successful mother's footsteps by modeling for specified icons arsenic Sports Illustrated and Vogue, conscionable for illustration her mom; nan duo seen in 2022 successful New York City

Brinkley-Cook has followed successful her mom's footsteps by landing modeling gigs pinch specified powerhouses arsenic Sports Illustrated and Vogue, conscionable for illustration her mother.

The lookalike duo person moreover modeled together connected respective occasions passim nan years.

When starting retired successful nan industry, nan longtime apical supermodel offered up immoderate cardinal proposal to her daughter.

'Her biggest proposal erstwhile it comes to being connected a group would beryllium conscionable to beryllium arsenic gracious arsenic you can. I ever effort and present myself to everyone successful nan room,' Sailor told People last year.

'And I ever effort and admit everyone successful nan room. Because I mean, my occupation is almost beautiful overmuch nan easiest.'

She continued: 'That's what she taught me, is to really admit my surroundings while I'm successful it and not beryllium a diva and person nosy pinch nan creatives that I'm moving with.'

The New York autochthonal besides told People that her style is very akin to her mom's, describing them some arsenic 'pretty classic.'

'We emotion a achromatic t-shirt. We emotion a bully brace of jeans. We emotion a trench coat, bully sweater, a bully brace of achromatic sneakers, achromatic boots,' she added.

Brinkley shares Sailor pinch designer Peter Cook, whom she was joined to from 1996 until 2008; nan erstwhile mates are pictured successful 2005 pinch Sailor and boy Jack Paris Brinkley-Cook (now 29) whom she had pinch then-husband Richard Taubman

Brinkley is besides mom to Alexa Ray Joel, 38, whom she shares pinch singer-songwriter Billy Joel; nan 2 sister are seen pinch their mother successful 2013

'Sometimes I'll inquire to get something, and I'll beryllium like, "Oh my God, this is truthful cute," and she'll show me, "Okay, but you person to springiness it back." And past she forgets!' Sailor quipped.

Sailor and her mom are truthful adjacent that she moreover stepped successful for her arsenic a contestant connected Dancing With The Stars successful 2019 aft Brinkley collapsed her limb during rehearsals.

She was terrified but followed her mom's advice: 'My mom told maine to person nosy pinch it and to not fto fearfulness extremity maine from doing immoderate of it.'

Sailor Brinkley-Cook ended up being eliminated during nan sixth week of nan competition.

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