Kevin Costner reveals he had kidney stones while shooting 2016's Hidden Figures and needed a morphine drip: 'I wanted to cry'

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By Amy Lamare For Dailymail.Com

Published: 19:15 EDT, 29 June 2024 | Updated: 19:25 EDT, 29 June 2024

Kevin Costner recalled a not-so-pleasant clip connected nan group of 2016's Hidden Figures.

Costner played NASA leaderHarrison and he was very sick astatine nan extremity of nan sprout for nan movie astir 3 Black women's contributions to astronaut John Glenn's travel to space.

'I've ne'er worked drunk connected a set. I've ne'er worked precocious connected a set, but I was connected morphine nan past 2 weeks that I worked connected Hidden Figures,' nan Oscar winner, 69, told People.

The Dances With Wolves character – who has been promoting his occidental Horizon – developed kidney stones and had to activity for '10 days nether an IV drip. I don't moreover cognize how. About 3 days of it I was normal and past thing happened to me,' he explained.

'I ne'er missed a time of work,' nan character known for his activity ethic said, however, 'I sat successful my trailer pinch a morphine drip successful my arm.'

Kevin Costner recalled a not-so-pleasant clip connected nan group of 2016's Hidden Figures

Costner played NASA leaderHarrison and he was very sick astatine nan extremity of nan sprout for nan movie astir 3 Black women's contributions to astronaut John Glenn's travel to space; pictured successful 2024

Eventually, nan bruising from nan IVs connected his arms sewage truthful noticeable he had to time off his sleeves rolled down.

'Eventually I had to person my sleeves down successful nan movie because of that,' he recalled, adding that nan full acquisition was very painful.  

'I wanted to cry, but location was everybody watching, truthful I didn't.'

But nan prima of The Bodyguard besides had bully memories from nan shoot, 1 of which was moving pinch Octavia Spencer, whom he besides worked pinch connected 2014's Black and White.

Earlier this week, Costner admitted that nan themes of nan movies he makes entreaty much to men during an quality connected nan Happy Sad Confused podcast, per Variety. 

'I make movies for men. That's what I do. But I won't make a movie unless I person beardown women characters.'

He added: 'That's really I've conducted my profession and I deliberation that's why I person a bully following.'

The Oscar victor is presently promoting his Horizon: An American Saga movie and said nan planned four-movie epic differs from different Westerns successful that its female characters 'drive nan communicative successful each crippled line.'

'I've ne'er worked drunk connected a set. I've ne'er worked precocious connected a set, but I was connected morphine nan past 2 weeks that I worked connected Hidden Figures,' nan Oscar winner, 69, told People, pictured successful 2024

The Dances With Wolves character developed kidney stones and had to activity for '10 days nether an IV drip'

'I ne'er missed a time of work,' nan character known for his activity ethic said, however, 'I sat successful my trailer pinch a morphine drip successful my arm'; pictured astatine nan 2024 Cannes Film Festival

He also said he said he 'couldn't conceive of a segment that didn't impact a woman' while creating nan story.

Horizon follows nan stories of aggregate characters, including respective female ones, during and aft nan Civil War arsenic they pioneer nan American West.

Costner leads nan movie alongside a divers ensemble formed featuring actresses Sienna Miller, Jena Malone, Isabelle Fuhrman, Abbey Lee, and Ella Hunt.

Opening play container agency receipts for nan movie came successful astatine conscionable $12 cardinal connected a $100 cardinal budget, $38 cardinal of which was Costner's ain money.

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