Coronation Street star Emrhys Cooper says playing sinister guru Rowan has helped bring him closer to his father -  after the actor's parents were once sucked into a bizarre wellness cult

Trending 2 days ago

By Geraint Llewellyn For Mailonline

Published: 20:07 EDT, 1 July 2024 | Updated: 20:15 EDT, 1 July 2024

Coronation Street star Emrhys Cooper has said playing sinister guru Rowan Cunliffe successful nan soap has helped bring him person to his begetter Christopher. 

The actor, 39, who made is debut connected nan cobbles earlier this year, previously revealed his caller property parents were erstwhile embroiled successful a akin cult. 

Now Emrhys said erstwhile preparing for nan domiciled he asked his begetter for tips, and nan brace said for nan first clip astir that of their lives, during nan actor's childhood.

Telling The Sun: 'This domiciled has really brought maine and my dada closer. I person asked him mobility and I asked him advice, it's really great'.

'This domiciled is peculiarly important to maine because I dream to dispersed consciousness astir nan dancers of these types of characters and organisations'. 

Coronation Street prima Emrhys Cooper, 39, has said playing sinister guru Rowan Cunliffe successful nan soap has helped bring him person to his begetter Christopher

The actor, who made is debut connected nan cobbles earlier this year, antecedently revealed his caller property parents were erstwhile embroiled successful a akin cult (pictured pinch co-star Jane Danson)

Now Emrhys said erstwhile preparing for nan domiciled he asked his begetter for tips, and nan brace said for nan first clip astir that of their lives, during nan actor's puerility (pictured pinch parents Christopher and Raphaela)

Before adding: 'My extremity is to make it arsenic truthful arsenic possible'.

Emrhys grew up successful Totnes pinch parents Christopher and Raphaela, caller property hippies pinch an open-minded cognition regarding unconventional lifestyles. 

But his family life was compromised - almost fatally - aft his free reasoning parents turned to a holistic doctor, who advised his ailing mother to debar accepted medicines.

He told The Mirror: 'My mother had a medicine for precocious humor unit and a holistic expert fundamentally told her that he could get her disconnected nan medicine pinch immoderate herbal remedy, and she had a bosom attack.' 

Raphaela yet suffered a terrible changeable that near her paralysed, and Emrhys believes it could person been avoided had she resumed taking her regular humor unit medication.

His parents had different bruising brushwood pinch a London based group, but reddish flags emerged erstwhile they started asking nan mates for money. 

He said: 'It was really benignant of a wellness, fitness, much of a belief cult. And arsenic they sewage further and further in, and gave much money, it became much sinister.' 

Worse would travel erstwhile nan group attempted to prosecute nan bewildered mates successful a bid of bizarre intersexual exercises. 

The British prima grew up successful Totnes pinch parents Christopher and Raphaela, caller property hippies pinch an open-minded cognition regarding unconventional lifestyles

But his family life was compromised - almost fatally - aft his free reasoning parents turned to a holistic doctor, who advised his ailing mother to debar accepted medicines (pictured together) 

'Basically, nan cult tried to abstracted my parents by doing these alternatively intersexual exercises pinch different people, which my Dad was a small alarmed by because he was having to grope this female and my Mum was having to do this point pinch personification else,' he said. 

'So they benignant of cottoned connected that this workout programme was not each it was cracked up to be.' 

He added: 'They sewage retired comparatively unscathed. But they’ve been successful and retired of different kinds of things. They’re ever looking for replacement options. 

'And they are intelligent people, they’re just, unfortunately, very open-hearted and galore times they’ve been taken advantage of.

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