Love Island star Emma Milton 'was behind' Love Island couple Teddy Soares' split with Faye Winter after she 'found messages' from new Casa Amor bombshell on his phone

Trending 2 days ago

By Bethan Edwards For Mailonline

Published: 20:22 EDT, 1 July 2024 | Updated: 20:22 EDT, 1 July 2024

Casa Amor bombshell Emma Milton reportedly played a domiciled successful nan break-up of erstwhile Love Island mates Teddy Soars and Faye Winter. 

The ringing woman and model, 30, has already said she has had a 'brief thing' pinch TOWIE prima Joey Essex successful nan past but she besides has history pinch 2021 finalists Teddy and Faye.

Emma is said to beryllium nan 'other women' which caused nan erstwhile couple's narration problems and eventual divided aft Faye recovered messaged from her connected Teddy's phone.

Both Teddy and Faye person discussed nan break down of their narration but until now nan female down nan messages person been unknown. 

A root told The Sun: 'Faye and Teddy person some discussed really she recovered messages connected his telephone pinch different woman and that she struggled to woody pinch it.

Casa Amor bombshell Emma Milton reportedly played a domiciled successful nan break-up of erstwhile Love Island mates Teddy Soars and Faye Winter

The ringing woman and model, 30, is said to beryllium nan 'other women' which caused nan erstwhile couple's narration problems and eventual divided aft Faye recovered messaged from her connected Teddy's telephone (pictured Faye and Teddy successful 2021)

'Emma was that girl. It'll beryllium hurtful for Faye to watch Emma now looking for emotion connected nan aforesaid show wherever she thought she'd recovered her ain happy ever after.'

But a friend adjacent to Emma told nan publication: 'Nothing romanticist aliases coquettish ever took spot betwixt Emma and Teddy.'

After leaving nan Love Island villa nan mates went from spot to spot and moved successful together successful November 2021.  

However aft weeks of speculation, Faye announced nan mates had divided successful February 2023. 

In March this year, Teddy opened up astir Faye uncovering messages connected his phone, he said: 'My partner astatine nan clip had gone done my phone, recovered that connection and had a problem pinch maine messaging that person.

'And astatine nan clip I thought to myself, is this conscionable because I've messaged personification who my partner thinks is simply a bully looking person, thinks is really pretty. Is this an ego thing?

'Or is this a business wherever genuinely, successful my partner's bosom of hearts, they don't for illustration nan truth I've conscionable messaged different female. I was trying to find nan favoritism betwixt nan two.

'And past I sewage to a constituent successful my mind wherever I was like, it doesn't matter that she went done my phone, it doesn't matter that this personification is displaying jealousy, it doesn't matter I deliberation I've conscionable been wholly harmless, what matter is I've done thing incorrect successful this person's eyes.'

Both Teddy and Faye person discussed nan break down of their narration but until now nan female down nan messages person been unknown

A root said: 'Emma was that girl. It'll beryllium hurtful for Faye to watch Emma now looking for emotion connected nan aforesaid show wherever she thought she'd recovered her ain happy ever after'

A friend adjacent to Emma has besides added: 'Nothing romanticist aliases coquettish ever took spot betwixt Emma and Teddy'

Teddy and Faye were finalists of nan reality show and moved successful together successful November 2021. However aft weeks of speculation, Faye announced nan mates had divided successful February 2023

Emma has besides revealed that she had a 'brief thing' pinch TOWIE prima Joey Essex and is keen to 'reconnect' contempt being 'friends' pinch his erstwhile occurrence Grace

During nan first scenes of tonight's Love Island Emma is among nan caller six girls arriving astatine nan villa for Casa Amor wherever she discusses her narration pinch Joey and reveals she is 'friends pinch Grace'. 

She said: 'I had a little point pinch Joey a fewer years ago. We've been friends for years and I would beryllium unfastened to reconnecting pinch Joey.

'We get connected really good and we person a batch of communal friends. I americium besides friends pinch Grace successful Manchester, truthful it's a small spot awkward.'

She added: 'I person travelled astir nan world, I person partied, I've been crazy but I consciousness for illustration now I americium astatine a shape successful my life wherever I'm fresh to find someone.'

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