Joshua Taylor-Myles - whose tattoos shocked the footy world - shows off his VERY dramatic replacement ink in Bali

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By Lucy Manly and Olivia Day For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 23:47 EDT, 30 June 2024 | Updated: 23:56 EDT, 30 June 2024

A footy subordinate has unveiled his freshly inked tattoos - aft he was warned that nan erstwhile words he had etched connected his thighs ('eat sh** fa***t' and 'snort lines and f***') were truthful violative he could beryllium banned.

Joshua Taylor-Myles, a 23-year-old hooker for nan Aquinas Colts successful Sydney's south-west, smiled and showed disconnected his caller ink while celebrating his day astatine Bali's Finns formation nine connected Sunday evening. 

Taylor-Myles tin beryllium seen smiling receptor to ear, hitching his shorts up to show disconnected a growling carnivore and viking motif cover-up. 'Gone but not forgotten,' he captioned nan image. 

On Saturday, he shared photos  of two artists inking caller elaborate illustrations complete nan apical of nan 2 tats. 

Joshua Taylor-Myles seen showing disconnected his nan results of his tattoo coverup extracurricular FINNS formation nine successful Bali

Taylor-Myles shared photos from nan process of getting nan tattoos covered connected Saturday

It comes little than 2 weeks aft nan father-of-one was fixed an ultimatum: either screen up nan violative ink aliases consequence being banned from immoderate NSWRL competition.

A NSWRL spokesperson antecedently told Daily Mail Australia nan father-of-one had been fixed an charismatic informing and asked to screen up nan tattoos. 

'The NSWRL and Cronulla JRL are committed to providing a safe, nosy and inclusive situation for each people, including those of divers sexualities and genders. Being an inclusive athletics not only reflects our halfway values, it besides reflects nan diverseness of our section communities,' nan spokesperson said. 

The tattoos sparked uproar aft Taylor-Myles was selected to play successful nan NSWRL Luke Lewis Cup and an image of his tats went viral connected societal media. 

It's understood Cronulla officials were only made alert of nan highly violative tattoos erstwhile a photograph of them circulated connected societal media. 

At slightest 2 images of Taylor-Myles' legs were wiped from nan club's societal media pages arsenic commentators blasted nan tattoos arsenic 'disgusting' and societal media users called for nan jock to laser them off.

Long-standing nine members questioned really nan ungraded has been handled.

'He should get nan footwear from nan nine if he refuses to screen those tattoos,' 1 erstwhile nine personnel told Daily Mail Australia.

'I get it, we each make mistakes, but location is hardly a reasonable excuse arsenic to why you would ever get specified violative words inked to your body.

'He wouldn't beryllium playing if I was still astatine nan club.'

News Corp commentator Buzz Rothfield said nan tattoos were 'just vile'. 

Joshua Taylor-Myles (pictured) was told to screen up nan ink - which said 'eat s***t fa***t' and 'snort lines and f***' -  aliases consequence being booted from nan sport

A NSWRL spokesperson antecedently told Daily Mail Australia nan father-of-one (pictured) had been fixed an charismatic informing and asked to screen up nan tattoos

'They are truthful offensive. It is truthful homophobic. They didn't realise. They didn't cheque nan limb tattoos of each subordinate they prime successful rep sides but erstwhile a photograph was put up connected societal media of nan player, they recognised it and sent it to nan New South Wales Rugby League and bully connected Dave Trodden,' he said. 

Rothfield said Mr Trodden, nan NSWRL CEO, had 'jumped connected it consecutive away'. 

'He said we person zero tolerance for immoderate shape of bullying, harassment aliases vilification towards group pinch divers sexualities and genders,' he continued.

'They've said to this bloke, "Cover them up pinch portion aliases you will not play successful a New South Wales Rugby League sanctioned title ever again". I applaud them for coming down truthful difficult connected his rubbish.

'He plays successful a nine wherever location are a batch of young women and men who participate for nan enjoyment, for nan camaraderie and it's conscionable truthful retired of order.'

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