Trent Barrett calls for Parramatta to confirm their new coach immediately amid fears star recruit Zac Lomax may backflip on Eels contract

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By NCA NewsWire

Published: 22:46 EDT, 2 July 2024 | Updated: 22:46 EDT, 2 July 2024

Parramatta interim coach Trent Barrett has called for nine officials to make a determination connected who will officially switch Brad Arthur arsenic soon arsenic imaginable aft arriving to activity connected Wednesday unaware of his ain semipermanent early astatine nan Eels. 

Barrett said getting everything 'out successful the open' could besides beryllium important to ensuring NSW State of Origin winger Zac Lomax didn't backflip connected his determination to subordinate nan nine adjacent year.

The Parramatta committee had a gathering connected Tuesday nighttime astatine which it has been reported a determination was going to beryllium made connected whether Barrett, Jason Ryles, Josh Hannay aliases Dean Young would return nan reins for 2025.

It is understood nan committee will not make immoderate nationalist announcements until aft Thursday's conflict pinch South Sydney - and that can't travel soon capable for Barrett.

'I deliberation so. I deliberation for everyone, nan nine and nan players,' Barrett said erstwhile asked if nan nine should make an announcement arsenic soon arsenic possible.

'But it hasn't really affected nan players excessively much. They are professionals. It's not thing you spell done regularly, but they do person to spell done it. Their occupation is to play and to play well.'

Barrett's origin hasn't been helped by 3 consecutive losses that person dropped nan Eels to 2nd past connected nan NRL ladder, pinch conscionable 4 wins for nan season.

But nan caretaker coach is adamant his squad is playing amended than results suggest.

Parramatta interim coach Trent Barrett has called for nine officials to make a determination connected who will officially switch Brad Arthur arsenic soon arsenic possible 

Barrett besides fears NSW State of Origin winger Zac Lomax whitethorn backflip connected his determination to time off nan Dragons and subordinate nan Eels arsenic nan uncertainty continues

'We haven't rather sewage nan results we wanted complete nan past fewer weeks, but they are playing a bully style of footy astatine nan moment. We conscionable can't get complete nan line,' he said.

'We've been rather unlucky nan past 3 weeks. We had that really bully triumph complete Cronulla and could person won nan past 3 games, connected nan play successful peculiar against Newcastle.

'There were 3 tries that we thought were tries and 3 of their tries came disconnected our dropped balls and from 90m away.

'If you watched nan games, I was beautiful happy pinch nan performances, we were conscionable incapable to get nan win.'

Lomax signed a four-year woody to move to Parramatta erstwhile Arthur was still nan coach.

Amid reports nan in-demand St George Illawarra prima was wavering, Barrett said a determination connected nan coach could thief allay immoderate fears, declaring 'I dream not' erstwhile asked if he feared a alteration of mind.

'I cognize Zac very well, he needs to cognize arsenic well,' Barrett said.

'He astir apt did motion present nether nan presumption Brad was coach. That's ever difficult for individuals erstwhile things for illustration this happen. Once it's each retired successful nan unfastened it will beryllium amended for everyone.'

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