Manchester City complete the signing of WSL record goalscorer Vivianne Miedema on a three-year deal, following her exit from rivals Arsenal

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  • The 27-year-old Netherlands world is WSL's all-time starring goalscorer
  • Miedema has struggled pinch wounded since an ACL tear successful December 2022 

By Tum Balogun

Published: 04:00 EDT, 5 July 2024 | Updated: 04:26 EDT, 5 July 2024

Manchester City person completed nan signing of Netherlands international Vivianne Miedema connected a free transfer, pursuing her departure from WSL rivals Arsenal.

The 27-year-old, who is nan division's all-time starring goalscorer, has joined Gareth Taylor's broadside connected a three-year woody that will support her astatine the Joie Stadium until nan summertime of 2027. 

Miedema will deterioration nan number six garment and reunites pinch Dutch teammates Jill Roord and Kerstin Casparij.

'The logic I chose City is because they person nan aforesaid ambitions arsenic me,' she said. 'They want to triumph nan convention and titles.

'Looking to nan future, I've ever said I want to play pinch champion players successful nan world and I deliberation City person sewage that. I haven't played arsenic overmuch shot arsenic I would person wished complete nan past 2 years, but I deliberation and dream my champion years are still to come. 

Manchester City person signed Netherlands international Vivianne Miedema connected a three-year contract

The 27-year-old will deterioration nan No 6 garment astatine her caller nine wherever she reunites pinch Dutch teammates Jill Roord and Kerstin Casparij

Miedema said that City's determination to triumph trophies motivated her determination to move to the Joie Stadium 

'I dream I'm going to beryllium capable to thief nan squad arsenic overmuch arsenic I tin do. I americium conscionable really excited to beryllium portion of nan squad and for nan girls to hopefully thief maine and get maine backmost to my best. If I get backmost to my champion again past we tin execute really bully things together.

'I do deliberation this is nan spot to beryllium correct now. In nan end, it was an easy prime for me. I want to situation myself each time successful training, but besides each azygous week successful nan games we play.' 

In May, Mail Sport reported that City were 1 of a number of clubs willing successful securing her services this summertime pursuing her departure from northbound London. 

Miedema, who had been pinch Arsenal since 2017, was adjacent to leaving successful nan summertime of 2022 but chose to motion a one-year woody pinch nan action of an other year, which was taken up astatine nan extremity of past season.

The guardant endured a difficult 18 months aft rupturing her anterior cruciate ligament successful December 2022. She made her return successful October but suffered aggregate setbacks and required further room successful March.

The 27-year-old made different return from wounded successful Arsenal’s 3-0 triumph complete Leicester successful April. 

City meanwhile, came agonisingly adjacent to winning their first WSL title successful 8 years but vanished down winners Chelsea only connected extremity difference. Defeat successful their penultimate convention crippled against nan Gunners yet put salary to their hopes. 

Head coach Taylor said he was excited to invited nan 'top talent' and expects her to beryllium an plus to his squad arsenic they look to declare awesome silverware. 

'We’re really looking guardant to welcoming Viv to City and seeing her flourish complete nan adjacent 3 years,' he said. 'Our ambition is to compete connected nan highest shape and for nan highest honours, and Viv is aligned to this desire. 

Miedema ended a seven-year spell successful northbound London pinch Arsenal astatine nan extremity of past season

City caput coach Gareth Taylor (left) hailed nan striker's talent which he believes will beryllium a 'real asset' to nan team

'She’s a apical talent that I’m excited to activity pinch arsenic she’s a subordinate I’ve ever admired. Viv will beryllium a existent plus to nan team.' 

Miedema will nexus up pinch her state for UEFA Women’s Euro 2025 qualifying matches against Italy and Norway earlier joining up pinch City for pre-season training astatine nan extremity of July and nan first-ever Perth International Football Cup successful mentation for nan 2024-25 season. 

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