Philadelphia sports radio legend is banned from MLB stadium for giving female employee 'an unwanted kiss' - but will REMAIN on air

Trending 2 days ago
  • Howard Eskin has been a regular connected Philly sports talk power since nan 1980s
  • He was pinch Jason Kelce past week astatine nan Eagles legend's kindness fundraiser

By Ben Nagle

Published: 21:50 EDT, 2 July 2024 | Updated: 21:52 EDT, 2 July 2024

Philadelphia sports power fable Howard Eskin has been banned from nan Phillies ballpark aft making an unwanted beforehand towards a female employee.

Eskin, 73, was accused of giving an unnamed Aramark worker an 'unwelcome kiss' successful May, sparking an investigation that has now resulted successful his suspension.

The Philadelphia Inquirer study that nan incident occurred earlier a crippled successful nan CP Rankin Club, an exclusive seating area down location plate.

Eskin is alleged to person tried to buss nan female arsenic she backed away, and she past submitted a title to management.

Surprisingly, Eskin is expected to stay connected aerial and location are nary plans to propulsion his power show from nan schedule contempt him not being allowed successful nan ballpark for nan remainder of nan season.

Howard Eskin has been a regular connected nan Philadelphia sports segment since nan 1980s

Eskin is pictured pinch Melania Trump astatine a mag screen arena astatine nan Ritz-Carlton successful 2011

In a statement, Aramark confirmed to nan media that 1 of its labor 'had been subjected to an unwanted beforehand by an Audacy employee.'

Eskin did not instantly respond to requests for remark connected Tuesday.

The Phillies besides released a statement, which reads: 'We cooperated pinch our partners astatine Audacy and Aramark connected their investigations. We support Audacy's determination to suspend Howard Eskin from Citizens Bank Park.'

Eskin has hosted a sports power show successful nan Philadelphia area since 1986, and go known successful nan 90s for calling listeners either a 'dope' aliases a 'genius' depending connected whether he agreed pinch their opinions.

Eskin has been banned from Citizens Bank Park for nan remainder of nan MLB season

Eskin is accused of giving a female stadium worker an 'unwanted kiss' astatine a crippled successful May

He has appeared arsenic a sideline newsman for nan Eagles and regularly broadcasts Phillies games arsenic portion of his domiciled for WIP.

Just past week, Eskin was successful Sea Isle City pinch Jason Kelce to support nan erstwhile center's Beach Bash fundraiser.

Eskin hosts a two-hour power show connected Saturday mornings and that is expected to proceed arsenic usual, though nan Inquirer reports he will beryllium off-air this coming week owed to an unrelated matter.

It has been business arsenic accustomed successful caller days though, pinch Eskin appearing connected aerial connected Tuesday greeting arsenic portion of a conception successful nan lunchtime show.

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