‘Jeopardy!’ contestant who earned second-lowest score in show history reveals reason for her flop

Trending 2 days ago
Erin Buker was wide bullied aft appearing connected past Monday night's episode, wherever she ended pinch -$7,200.  Erin Buker was wide bullied aft appearing connected past Monday night's episode, wherever she ended pinch -$7,200. 

What is her excuse?

A “Jeopardy!” contestant who earned the second-lowest people successful nan quiz show’s history is speaking retired astir her dismal quality connected nan program.

Erin Buker was wide bullied aft appearing connected past Monday night’s episode, wherever she ended pinch -$7,200. 

Only erstwhile competitor Patrick Pearce, who had -$7,400 aft his crippled successful July 2021, has fared worse.

Taking to Reddit, nan stay-at-home mom from Pasadena, California admitted it “was a time to forget.”

“When it came to nan buzzer, I was my ain worst enemy, often buzzing successful midway done nan hint arsenic if my thumb had a mind of its own,” Buker explained. “There’s thing uniquely frustrating astir knowing answers, but not having nan wherewithal to ringing successful astatine nan due clip to reply them. That was my shortage and I ain it entirely.”

Taking to Reddit, nan stay-at-home mom from Pasadena, California admitted it "was a time to forget."Taking to Reddit, nan stay-at-home mom from Pasadena, California admitted it “was a time to forget.” She is pictured center.

“All successful all, it was still a awesome experience,” nan contestant continued. “As nan alternate for nan week before, I sewage to cognize each of nan contestants who aired past week really well, and they were genuinely brackish of nan earth.”

“Jeopardy!” fans were impressed pinch Buker’s graciousness and responded pinch words of support.

“You were fantastic! I’ve ever said that if I sewage connected ‘Jeopardy!’ and gave a incorrect answer, I would astir apt ne'er ringing successful again,” 1 wrote. “You kept going and ne'er gave up, and getting selected to beryllium location successful nan first spot is truthful acold up of astir of america watching astatine home!”

A 2nd protagonist chimed in, saying: “I’m gladsome location were still immoderate positives successful nan acquisition for you! I dream you’ve been benignant to yourself and are capable to admit really awesome of an accomplishment it is conscionable to make it onto that stage. It’s much than I, and nan mostly of viewers, person managed. As such, I tin hardly ideate really different and nerve-wracking it must beryllium up there. Much emotion and respect to you.”

Host Ken Jennings is seen during Monday night's section of nan quiz show. Host Ken Jennings is seen during Monday night’s section of nan quiz show.

The comments were acold kinder than those that were posted to X pursuing Buker’s quality connected Monday night.

“Someone want to show Erin nan entity of nan crippled is to reply correctly,” 1 viewer snarked.

Another sassily stated: “Poor Erin. She’s truthful acold successful nan hole.”

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