Jelena Dokic shows off her remarkable 20kg weight loss as she prepares to host Nine's Wimbledon coverage

Trending 2 days ago

By Mary Mrad For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 18:26 EDT, 1 July 2024 | Updated: 18:44 EDT, 1 July 2024

Former tennis champion Jelena Dokic precocious mislaid an awesome 20 kilograms.

And the Channel Nine commentator, 41, revealed nan unthinkable results of her weight nonaccomplishment connected Monday successful a selfie shared to Instagram.

In nan image, Jelena was each smiles arsenic she posed successful an elevator up of her caller domiciled hosting Nine's Wimbledon coverage.

She looked stylish successful achromatic flare pants, a bluish blazer and achromatic sneakers arsenic she made her measurement to nan studio.

'Here we go. The @wimbledon fortnight originates today. I americium fresh and can't hold to bring you each nan action complete nan adjacent 2 weeks,' she wrote.

'Hope you tin subordinate america coming astatine 7.30 p.m. connected @9gem pinch @wwos for our nightly 30 infinitesimal pre show and past we commencement nan matches astatine 8 p.m. and I will beryllium kicking it disconnected coming successful commentary pinch nan squad by calling immoderate Aussies that are successful action first.'

Jelena besides posted a photograph of herself wrong nan workplace up of a tennis match.

She flaunted her fig successful a acheronian greenish buttoned shirt, achromatic pants and coiled her brunette locks.

And fans were near stunned by Dokic's tranformation.

'Oh wow I hardly recognised you, truthful stunning,' publication 1 Instagram remark connected nan post.

'Looking gorgeous. You are conscionable radiating. Your happiness wrong is sparkling connected nan outside,' added another. 

Jelena Dokic (pictured) showed disconnected her singular weight nonaccomplishment successful a selfie up of hosting Nine's Wimbledon sum aft losing 20kgs

The tennis prima star precocious slimmed-down by eating much salads and soups and cutting retired unhealthy precocious nighttime binges.

Last month, Jelena addressed nationalist commentary surrounding her caller weight loss, insisting she dropped nan kilos for wellness reasons.

The Nine commentator shared a station on Instagram comparing her existent quality pinch really she looked backmost successful 2023, erstwhile she was 20kg heavier.

In nan caption, she stressed that she was happy successful some pictures, adding that weight loss was not nan extremity but simply a 'byproduct' of adopting healthier habits.

'The astir important point is that I americium happy and proud successful some pics sloppy of my weight and that I americium benignant always,' she began.

Jelena besides flaunted her fig successful a acheronian greenish buttoned shirt, achromatic pants and coiled her brunette locks aft arriving to nan studio

'This is astir HEALTH and not SIZE,' she continued. 'So galore questions astir maine getting healthier, which has seen maine suffer weight. Weight nonaccomplishment was not a priority; it's conscionable a byproduct of looking aft my health.'

Addressing those who accused her of crash-dieting, Jelena went connected to clarify: 'I didn't suffer weight quickly. I mislaid 20 kilos successful conscionable nether 10 months. Nothing fast.'

Jelena explained she had mislaid nan weight because of 'a family history of diabetes' and nan truth she had precocious been diagnosed pinch precocious humor pressure.

She besides revealed precisely really she did it.

The tennis prima star precocious slimmed-down by eating much salads and soups and cutting retired unhealthy precocious nighttime binges. Seen present successful February

'I stopped eating precocious astatine nighttime particularly things for illustration burgers, pizza, fries and desserts because they made maine consciousness truthful sluggish erstwhile I would aftermath up particularly for early greeting activity and flights. So I don't eat dense meals astatine nighttime anymore and I don't eat aft 7pm,' wrote Jelena.

'I eat much salads and soups for my meals now for illustration a chickenhearted caesar crockery aliases herb crockery pinch multigrain bread. This type of repast does not make maine consciousness sluggish and I americium full.

'I portion much h2o now and I person trim backmost connected soda, moreover fare soda.

'It's mini changes complete clip and while I still person my cheeseburger and fries days it's conscionable a batch little and I decidedly don't eat junk nutrient erstwhile I americium moving and travelling. That's it,' she concluded.

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