Sting, 72, puts on a loved-up display with his wife Trudie Styler, 70, as she is honoured with a documentary prize at Globo d'Oro Awards in Rome

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Sting was each inch nan proud hubby arsenic he supported his woman Trudie Styler astatine the Globo d'Oro Awards successful Rome connected Wednesday.

The euphony legend, 72, trim a dapper fig arsenic he joined nan director, 70, connected nan reddish carpet, earlier she was honoured pinch nan Best Documentary prize.

Trudie, who joined Sting successful 1992, opted for an elegant pick lace dress arsenic she prepared to judge nan grant for her movie Posso Entrare? An Ode to Naples.

The movie elaborate Trudie and Sting's passion for Italy, pinch nan character detailing her history pinch nan state astatine nan ceremony, during an question and reply pinch PEOPLE.

She said: 'Sting and I fell successful emotion pinch Italy galore years agone — truthful overmuch truthful that aft 1 of our kids was calved adjacent Pisa, we spent years looking for a location for america all. Italy has ever been incredibly benignant to us.

Sting, 72, was each inch nan proud hubby arsenic he supported his woman Trudie Styler, 70, astatine nan Globo d'Oro Awards successful Rome connected Wednesday

The euphony fable trim a dapper fig arsenic he joined nan head connected nan reddish carpet

Trudie, who joined Sting successful 1992, opted for an elegant pick lace dress arsenic she prepared to judge nan Best Documentary grant for her movie Posso Entrare? An Ode to Naples

'Since nan 1980s erstwhile I made films present successful Rome astatine Cinecittà, past Sting wrote 1 of his astir affectional albums adjacent Pisa nan twelvemonth aft his parents died, and astatine nan aforesaid clip I gave commencement to 1 of our kids, Italy has a typical spot successful our hearts for galore reasons.'

Sting and Trudie are parents to 4 children, Mickey, 40, Jake, 39, Eliot, 33, and Giacomo, 28, while The Police frontman besides shares son Joe, 47, and girl Fuschia, 42, pinch ex Frances Tomelty.

Detailing really nan family juggles Trudy and Sting's engaged activity schedules, she said they are 'proud' of them.

She said: 'They admit that we are engaged and fulfilled. The kids each person their ain paths and careers and they've sewage bully activity ethics, truthful we're proud of them for that.'

The outing comes aft nan mates attended nan Ivor Novello Awards, wherever Sting was awarded pinch a Fellowship which is nan highest honour nan Academy bestows.

Speaking connected nan carpet, nan British rocker said he 'loves' nan Ivors Academy and was 'delighted' to beryllium 'granted this awesome honour'.

He said: 'The past clip I was present I sewage a life accomplishment grant which I thought was a spot premature...

'But nan fellowship was evidently beyond life and it sounds a spot for illustration Lord Of The Rings, but I deliberation location are much duties attached to a fellowship.

The movie elaborate Trudie and Sting's passion for Italy , pinch nan character detailing her history pinch nan state astatine nan ceremony, during an question and reply pinch PEOPLE

Sting and Trudie are parents to Mickey, 40, Jake, 39, Eliot, 33, and Giacomo, 28, while The Police frontman besides shares boy Joe, 47, and girl Fuschia, 42, pinch ex Frances Tomelty

Detailing really nan family juggles Trudy and Sting's engaged activity schedules, she said they are 'proud' of them

Sting was nan frontman, songwriter and bassist for caller activity set The Police from 1977 until their breakup successful 1986

Monica Bellucci was besides among nan stars successful attendance astatine nan awards, pinch nan character opting for an eye-catching achromatic dress

After precocious confirming their romance, Monica was joined by her fellow Tim Burton

As Monica was honoured astatine nan Globo d'Oro Awards, Monica proudly posed pinch her gong connected nan reddish carpet

'The Ivors protect nan authorities of songwriters - that's 1 of nan things they do, not conscionable established songwriters for illustration me, but up-and-coming songwriters.

'It is besides a awesome export of Britain, our songwriting, truthful they request protecting, truthful I americium very proud to beryllium portion of this organisation.'

Sting was nan frontman, songwriter and bassist for caller activity set The Police from 1977 until their breakup successful 1986.

He launched a solo profession successful 1985.

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