Radio star Marty Sheargold steps down from Triple M breakfast show after AFL controversy and mysterious three-month absence

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Marty Sheargold has stepped down Melbourne's Triple M Melbourne Breakfast displacement pursuing a mysterious three-month absence and last year's AFL Grand Final 'incident'.

Triple M confirmed nan news connected Thursday morning, stating nan 53-year-old comedian and power broadcaster will not return to nan meal show, but will proceed his podcast and nationalist 3pm slot pinch nan network.

'Taking an extended break astatine nan extremity of past twelvemonth has reinforced nan value of spending much value clip pinch my family,' Sheargold said successful a statement.

'As a result, I person made nan determination to prioritise self-care, maintaining a amended work/life equilibrium and will not beryllium returning to my Triple M Breakfast show. However, I will proceed The Marty Sheargold Show podcast, on pinch nan 3-4pm nationalist Triple M show.'

He continued: 'I want to convey my contiguous squad and nan web for their ongoing support and understanding. And I'd besides for illustration to convey nan listeners for their loyalty to some nan show and nan station. Like them, I stay a Triple M fan.'

SCA Chief Content Officer, Dave Cameron, said: 'SCA supports Marty's determination to rebalance his individual and activity commitments, and we'd for illustration to convey Marty and his squad for creating a unsocial and hilarious Breakfast show for Melbourne since 2021.

'It is breathtaking nevertheless that our listeners will proceed to perceive Marty alongside his existent squad of Troy Ellis, Loren Barry and Will Ralston crossed some nan Triple M web arsenic a nationalist Afternoon power show and connected his fan-favourite regular podcast connected LiSTNR, which regularly ranks prominently connected nan Australian Podcast Ranker.' 

The erstwhile meal big took 'personal leave' after an alleged incident astatine nan AFL Grand Final last twelvemonth in September, which saw him depart astatine halftime.

Marty Sheargold (pictured) has stepped down Melbourne 's Triple M Melbourne Breakfast displacement pursuing a mysterious three-month absence and past year's AFL Grand Final 'incident'

After returning to nan show successful January pursuing a 3 period break, some listeners branded his return to nan airwaves arsenic 'unfunny' and 'nasty'.

In a Reddit thread from April, respective weighed successful connected Sheargold's on-air antics and offered their thoughts.  

'He's go a bigger w**ker since he came backmost to. Mean pr**k wouldn't situation spout half nan crap he says to nan callers if they were successful nan studio' 1 said.

'I work together pinch you, he's go worse since his meltdown and recovery' different wrote. 

'I consciousness for illustration it's gone up a notch lately, but based connected nan comments different group don't look to deliberation it has' someone else said. 

The troubled Melbourne power big said he went connected an ' extended break' because he had 'burned himself out'

'Every joke is simply a d**k joke. After a while of listening you get to beryllium tired of them' 1 much commented.

'I consciousness for illustration he utilized to beryllium funny but now he conscionable seems to reproach group without location being a noticeable joke involved' yet different said. 

'No hint really he sewage his ain show, he’s colour astatine best, not a host, carried by nan remainder of his crew. The man sounds nan headlines of nan insubstantial ffs, blokes connected a mint buck, could put immoderate effort into his segments' said someone else. 

Others disagreed however, pinch 1 chiming in: 'It's nary different than normal. The "nastiness" is portion of his schtick.'

The troubled Melbourne power big said he went connected an 'extended break' because he had 'burned himself out'. 

'I realised I'd perfectly burned myself retired complete nan past mates of years,' he explained.

According to reports, he was ejected by information astatine nan MCG owed to violative comments he made to different guests

In a Reddit thread from April, respective weighed successful connected Sheargold's on-air antics, offering their thoughts

He went connected to opportunity he was inspired by AFL coaches Alistair Clarkson and Damien Hardwick, who some stepped distant from their respective footy teams past year. 

'Two men past twelvemonth who put their hands up and said, 'I request a break.' And I thought, 'You know, I request a break,'' Sheargold said.

'Things are changing. I'm not doing regular this year,' he added, to which his shaper Loren Barry said: 'You're conscionable doing you.'

Marty past made a bizarre quip, saying: 'I'm going to do h****n arsenic well. That'll beryllium fun, truthful instrumentality astir for that. Watch nan wheels autumn off.' 

Late past year, Southern Cross Austereo confirmed Sheargold would return to power successful January aft he took 3 months off the aerial for a 'mental wellness break'. 

According to reports, he was ejected by information astatine nan MCG owed to violative comments he made to different guests. 

When approached for comment, a Southern Cross Austereo spokesperson told Daily Mail Australia: 'Marty Sheargold near nan AFL Grand Final astatine halftime of his ain accord.'

Sheargold was connected aerial nan week aft nan Grand Final, but vanished conscionable days later, prompting Anthony 'Lehmo' Lehmann to capable successful for him. 

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