Gareth Southgate warns he is prepared to go against a player's wishes for England's Euro 2024 quarter-final against Switzerland

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By Adrian Bishop

Published: 06:26 EDT, 1 July 2024 | Updated: 06:26 EDT, 1 July 2024

Gareth Southgate has revealed he is prepared to make what could beryllium to beryllium an unpopular determination for for of his players erstwhile England return connected Switzerland.

The Three Lions dramatically secured a spot successful nan past 8 against Slovakia connected Sunday, contempt erstwhile again failing to unrecorded up to their pre-tournament billing.

Ivan Schranz's first-half onslaught near England shell-shocked, and while goals from Jude Bellingham and Harry Kane would yet unafraid a travel from down triumph concerns persist astir nan team.

To make matters worse for Southgate stand-in left-back Kieran Trippier limped disconnected during nan hr people to beryllium replaced by Cole Palmer.

Trippier's wounded appeared to beryllium nan cleanable opportunity for Luke Shaw to get his first minutes of nan tournament. 

Gareth Southgate has indicated he is prepared to spell against a player's wishes erstwhile England return connected Switzerland

The England leader was forced to improvise aft Kieran Trippier was forced disconnected injured against Slovakia

Southgate turned to Bukayo Saka to capable successful astatine left-back, contempt nan Arsenal prima antecedently expressing reservations astir being deployed successful nan position

Southgate's determination to look elsewhere for a lawman astatine left-back appears to beryllium a damning indictment of the Man United star's fittingness arsenic he continues to activity his measurement backmost from injury.

The England leader alternatively opted to reshuffle his broadside and move Bukayo Saka into nan left-side of defence, marking nan first clip England person had a people left-footed subordinate successful their backline successful nan tournament.

Speaking pursuing nan result, Southgate appeared pleased pinch his contributions successful nan position, hinting that he whitethorn look to commencement nan Arsenal winger location going guardant despite Saka's well-publicised reservations.

'We felt that Bukayo astatine left-back gave america an other attacking outlet,' Southgate told Radio 5 Live aft nan 2-1 win. 

'It is simply a bully action to have. I person to opportunity nan courageousness shown by nan players was awesome tonight.'

Saka began his elder profession connected nan near broadside of defence, pinch nan Arsenal academy postgraduate breaking successful to nan club's first-team while then-first prime left-back Kieran Tierney was injured.

Since past however, nan 22-year-old has grown into 1 of nan world's foremost players arsenic a right-winger and he insisted past week that deploying him successful left-back is not nan solution for England.

The Arsenal prima went connected to admit that ‘it’s successful Gareth’s hands and we each person to spot what he selects connected nan day’.

Speaking pursuing England's group shape tie pinch Slovenia, Ian Wright insisted deploying Saka connected nan near could amended England's balance.

Saka began his senior-career connected nan near broadside of defence but stated precocious that moving him location is not nan solution to England's problem

Luke Shaw is nan only earthy left-back successful Southgate's squad but is still recovering from injury

'As awesome arsenic Saka has done for England successful position of what he creates and his goals and assists, he is simply a earthy left-sided player.' Wright said.

'He started playing for England connected nan near astatine younker level, he started astatine Arsenal connected nan left. If that's going to springiness you nan equilibrium and gets you Cole Palmer successful nan team, it's thing you person to astatine slightest look at.

'Yes, Kyle Walker tin play location [at left-back], it's nan aforesaid business wherever you person nan subordinate coming inside, you person nary 1 going around. He's a earthy left-footer Saka, we could activate nan full near side.'

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