Jan Oblak becomes just the second goalkeeper ever to save penalties from Cristiano Ronaldo AND Lionel Messi after denying the Portugal star at Euro 2024... but can you guess the first?

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By Kieran Lynch

Published: 05:55 EDT, 3 July 2024 | Updated: 05:55 EDT, 3 July 2024

Jan Oblak is conscionable nan 2nd goalkeeper successful history to prevention penalties from Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, aft denying nan Portugal prima astatine Euro 2024.

Portugal reached nan quarter-finals pinch a punishment shootout triumph complete Slovenia, but Ronaldo was earlier near successful tears erstwhile Oblak denied nan legendary guardant from nan spot during extra-time. 

Messi and Ronaldo are 2 of nan top goalscorers successful shot history, but Oblak has wide been regarded arsenic 1 of nan champion goalkeepers successful nan world for a number of years. 

Argentine icon Messi was antecedently denied by Oblak from nan spot during his days astatine Barcelona, erstwhile nan Atletico Madrid keeper saved his punishment successful a Copa del Rey quarter-final conflict successful 2015. 

The only different goalkeeper who has denied some Ronaldo and Messi is 39-year-old Brazilian Diego Alves. 

Jan Oblak became nan 2nd keeper to prevention penalties from Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi

Oblak near Ronaldo successful tears aft denying nan Portugal guardant during extra-time

Oblak (pictured successful Slovenia's nonaccomplishment to Portugal) stopped a punishment from Messi during nan Argentine's clip astatine Barcelona

Alves, who past played for Celta Vigo past year, was a thorn successful Ronaldo's broadside erstwhile nan guardant played for Real Madrid - redeeming 3 penalties from nan Portuguese legend. 

He first saved a punishment from Ronaldo during his debut play astatine nan Santiago Bernabeu, erstwhile nan Brazilian was playing for Almeria.

Then astatine Valencia, Alves saved penalties from Ronaldo successful 2015 and 2017. 

Messi meantime grounded to hit Alves from nan spot during nan semi-finals of nan Copa del Rey successful 2012. 

Alves has a beardown statement for being 1 of nan champion punishment savers successful LaLiga history, stopping an awesome 24 of nan 50 penalties he faced.  

He near LaLiga broadside Valencia for Flamengo successful 2017, earlier returning to Spain pinch Celta Vigo past twelvemonth - though his statement was terminated aft 2 months arsenic he didn't play a azygous minute. 

Ronaldo yet made amends for his miss successful extra-time, arsenic he scored Portugal's first punishment successful their shootout triumph complete Slovenia.

The Portuguese prima though has had a difficult Euro 2024 contempt their progression to nan quarter-finals.

Oblak joins Diego Alves (right) arsenic nan only goalkeeper to prevention penalties from Ronaldo and Messi

Alves saved 24 of nan 50 penalties that he faced during his clip playing for clubs successful LaLiga

Ronaldo has grounded to people pinch 20 shots crossed 4 games, pinch only 4 players failing to people astatine a azygous European Championship since 1980 having taken much shots. 

He will dream to return to goalscoring shape erstwhile Portugal look France successful a monolithic quarter-final lucifer connected Friday night.

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