Footy star who was caught under the influence of alcohol and drugs on his way to training promises to NEVER let it happen again: 'I'm continuing to work on myself'

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  • Braydon Trindall has surgery his silence 
  • Sharks prima was caught driving pinch intoxicant and narcotics successful his system 
  • He has vowed to ne'er fto it hap again 

By Ollie Lewis

Published: 10:31 EDT, 30 June 2024 | Updated: 10:53 EDT, 30 June 2024

Braydon Trindall has promised to ne'er let a repetition of nan incident which saw him stood down by his NRL nine earlier this season.

Cronulla Sharks prima Trindall was caught driving to training nether nan power of alcohol, and pinch an illicit constituent successful his system, successful April, successful an incident which threatened to derail his 2024.

The 24-year-old recorded a mid-range intoxicant reference of 0/125 during his roadside supplier trial which besides returned a affirmative reference for recreational narcotics connected nan greeting aft Cronulla hit North Queensland. 

He copped a good and was disqualified from driving for 3 months aft facing tribunal successful May, and has now expressed his remorse aft missing much than a period of action owed to a breach notice. 

'It won't hap again,' Trindall told Sydney Morning Herald. 'We've gone complete that and it's been dealt with. I'm continuing to activity connected myself successful nan background.

Braydon Trindall has expressed regret astatine being caught up successful a portion driving bust

The Cronulla Sharks playmaker has vowed to ne'er fto nan incident repetition itself

'I've decidedly travel retired nan different broadside arsenic a amended personification for it. I want to repay everyone that's supported maine by playing immoderate bully footy.' 

Trindall thanked Sharks coach Craig Fitzgibbons for his support passim nan ordeal, saying: 'He's been awesome. 

'He supported maine nan full way. I conscionable want to repay him. I conscionable wanted to attraction connected [what was happening] and getting done that first.

'But I'm emotion bully [now]. The boys showed a batch of support. It's bully being backmost and I'm keen to activity difficult for them.'

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