Dua Lipa hits back at miming claims after fans accuse her of lip-syncing songs during headline Glastonbury set

Trending 2 days ago

Pop prima Dua Lipa yesterday defiantly told The Mail connected Sunday: 'I don't mime', aft fans accused her of lip-synching during her header Glastonbury set.

It was nan 28-year-old's dream travel existent to play nan world-famous Pyramid stage. But her capacity successful beforehand of tens of thousands of fans connected Friday was dogged by accusations that was not really singing connected stage.

However, erstwhile our newsman caught up pinch her successful nan VIP area yesterday, she shrugged disconnected nan criticism. 

'I don't mime,' said the Grammy Award-winner arsenic she toasted her header occurrence pinch her character fellow Callum Turner, 34, successful an exclusive barroom astatine nan Worthy Farm show site.

The brace were seen cuddling up aft arriving from their luxury edifice 10 miles from Glastonbury.

Dua Lipa has deed backmost astatine claims from fans that she lip-synced during her header Glastonbury set

Ms Lipa was dressed successful a achromatic vest apical pinch achromatic skirt paired pinch chunky achromatic boots

The vocalist toasted her header occurrence pinch her character fellow Callum Turner, 34, successful an exclusive barroom astatine nan Worthy Farm show site

When asked by our newsman if she sung her songs unrecorded during nan performance, she denied that she mimed her setlist 

One instrumentality described Ms Lipa's Pyramid Stage capacity as 'a Top of nan Pops mime set'

Pictured: Dua Lipa performed connected time 3 of nan show astatine Worthy farm

Ms Lipa is lifted successful nan aerial arsenic she performs her deed songs connected nan Pyramid Stage 

Another instrumentality complained that fans had paid money only for Ms Lipa to 'mime nan opus and not moreover singing it'

She was dressed successful a achromatic vest apical pinch achromatic skirt and carried a £1,600 satin, crystal-encrusted Prada bag. She paired nan look pinch chunky achromatic boots.

The vocalist was accused of lip-syncing by those watching sum of nan show connected nan BBC connected Friday night.

'Imagine paying each that money to spell Glastonbury to guidelines location and watch Dua Lipa mime nan opus and not moreover singing it. How bad,' 1 said. 

Another wrote online: 'Dua Lipa delivering a Top of nan Pops mime set'.

Taking to X, formerly Twitter, 1 wrote: 'It's a shame #DuaLipa can't singing live. Don't move up to glasto and mime. Rubbish.'

Another said: 'Dua Lipa has immoderate decent catchy tunes, but I’m reasonably judge she’s articulator syncing. Sounds for illustration a unrecorded vocal, but conscionable not convinced she’s singing it unrecorded “right now”.' 

Informed sources opportunity nan mime declare is false. 

During Ms Lipa's capacity location were galore ample Palestine flags truthful adjacent to nan shape that they were seen some connected nan large screens astatine nan venue and connected nan BBC's coverage.

The vocalist antecedently urged world leaders to thief de-escalate nan situation successful Gaza and Israel.

While she did not straight remark connected nan warfare during her performance, which included deed songs specified arsenic Levitating, she did look to tally retired into nan crowd to singing person to a emblem that publication 'Glasto for Palestine'.

Last period she posted to her 88million Instagram followers: 'Please show your solidarity pinch Gaza.' 

'Burning children live tin ne'er beryllium justified. The full world is mobilising to extremity nan Israeli genocide. Please show your solidarity pinch Gaza,' she wrote connected Instagram.

Many viewers were captivated by nan singer's two-hour capacity astatine Glastonbury and took to societal media to telephone her capacity 'magical.' 

'Smashed it dua lipa' and 'Dua Lipa's been beautiful bully actually. I only cognize One Kiss, but her sound is amended than I'd thought it would be. Look guardant to seeing her successful nan Sunday day fable slot successful astir 25 years time'. 

Dua said she had dreamed astir headlining Glastonbury Festival 'my full life' arsenic she kicked disconnected nan Pyramid shape slot.

The popular superstar opened her first header capacity astatine nan British show pinch awesome choreography to her deed way Training Season from her 3rd workplace album, Radical Optimism, which released earlier this year.

She told nan crowd: 'I can't judge this, I've dreamed astir this my full life.'

During her performance, nan assemblage could beryllium heard singing loudly on to nan words of her 2018 way One Kiss pinch Calvin Harris. 

Glastonbury organizer Emily Eavis said nan popular prima was 'born' to header nan festival. 

Hitting backmost astatine nan lip-synching claims, Ms Lipa said 'I don't mime'

During Ms Lipa's capacity location were galore ample Palestine flags truthful adjacent to nan shape that they were seen connected screens and connected nan BBC's coverage

While she did not straight remark connected nan warfare during her performance, which included deed songs specified arsenic Levitating, nan vocalist appeared to tally into nan crowd to singing adjacent a Palestine emblem astatine 1 point

Ms Lipa performing her setlist astatine Glastonbury. The vocalist antecedently urged world leaders to thief de-escalate nan situation successful Gaza and Israel

Other celebrities seen astatine nan show included Alexa Chung, character Anya Taylor-Joy and exemplary Cara Delevingne. TV presenter Maya Jama was besides spotted pinch her rapper fellow Stormzy.

Some chap festival-goers opted for wacky outfits to watch nan performances – pinch 1 moreover hopping astir arsenic a kangaroo.

On Saturday, Coldplay were group to header connected nan Pyramid shape successful what was their 5th quality astatine nan festival. 

Earlier, 2 showbusiness veterans performed. Pop icon Cyndi Lauper belted retired hits including Girls Just Wanna Have Fun connected nan main stage.

And character Russell Crowe jetted successful connected Friday for his debut astatine nan festival. He played connected nan acoustic shape pinch his band, Indoor Garden Party.

Rockers Kasabian were nan concealed enactment yesterday, causing chaos aft excessively galore group flocked to spot them that entree to nan shape had to beryllium unopen owed to overcrowding fears.

It is understood that Glastonbury chiefs told partners to limit personage invites this twelvemonth amid worries that it could 'lose its down to world roots.' 

But nary 1 seemed to person relayed that to nan posh Soho House pop-up nine – which was serving up oversea bream for £34.

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