Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s marriage was over months ago: report

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Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s matrimony has been successful flux for a while now.

A source told Page Six Monday that they’ve been isolated since March, but Affleck is “very protective of Jennifer.”

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez astatine their wedding.
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez aft nan rumors began that they’re getting divorced. Thecelebrityfinder/MEGA

“Bennifer” person been astatine nan halfway of divorcement rumors for weeks.

On Monday, Page Six reported that nan A-listers are selling pieces of art from their $60 cardinal Beverly Hills home, which is also connected nan market.

Collectors and willing buyers were reportedly purchasing “art and immoderate pieces” that were “newly connected sale” from their location successful early June.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck astatine their wedding. OnTheJLo
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck tied nan knot successful nan summertime of 2022. OnTheJLo

The rumors astir nan couple’s matrimony began successful early May, erstwhile Lopez attended nan 2024 Met Gala without her husband. 

Soon after, Affleck was reported to beryllium staying astatine a abstracted location from Lopez.

InTouch reported that nan brace were successful therapy to activity connected their marital issues.

“Ben believes successful therapy, to a point, and is consenting to beryllium a bully athletics astir participating pinch an unfastened mind, moreover though he hates nan full humiliating process,” a root told nan outlet.

More recently, Affleck and Lopez’s cardinal Beverly Hills mansion was listed connected Zillow successful June. Affleck has since moved his belongings retired of nan house, according to People.

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez successful New York connected March 29, 2024. GC Images

The stars person spent nan commencement of nan summertime mostly apart, pinch Lopez taking a travel to Italy without nan “Argo” actor, who stayed location successful Los Angeles.

The “Let’s Get Loud” vocalist enjoyed a vessel thrust and a meal pinch friends in Positano during nan trip. Afterwards, she took a commercialized formation to Paris Fashion Week pinch her bodyguard.

A source told People that nan “Hustlers” prima — who canceled her world tour amid nan marital woes — was “grateful” for clip to herself, and that she and Affleck are “doing their ain point truthful acold this summer.”

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez sewage backmost together successful 2021. jlo/Instagram

While his woman was successful Europe, Affleck made headlines for confronting paparazzi who were utilizing flash cameras arsenic he was down nan instrumentality pulling retired of nan couple’s mansion. He sewage retired of his car and chastised nan photographers, informing them that they’re putting his life successful danger.

Despite nan ongoing rumors astir their marriage, Lopez did make it a constituent to praise Affleck on Father’s Day on June 19.

She called Affleck her “hero” pinch an aged photograph of her husband.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck successful NYC connected September 26, 2021. GC Images

Lopez and Affleck were initially together from 2002 to 2004. They ended their engagement successful January 2004 aft delaying their wedding “due to nan excessive media attention” that surrounded nan mates astatine nan time.

Following nan breakup, they went connected to wed and person kids pinch different partners. Affleck had three children with Jennifer Garner, while Lopez had twins pinch Marc Anthony.

But to everyone’s surprise, “Bennifer” became a point again successful 2021. They married in July 2022 successful Las Vegas aft a three-month engagement and later staged a much elaborate ceremony in Georgia.

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