Dua Lipa announces biggest ever gig and will perform for 90,000 fans at Wembley Stadium while still 'flying high' after wowing with her Glastonbury headline perfomance

Trending 2 days ago

Dua Lipa has announced she will execute her biggest ever gig to 90K fans astatine Wembley Stadium connected 20 June 2025, pursuing successful nan footsteps of Taylor Swift.

The English-Albanian star, 29, who wowed fans pinch her Glastonbury capacity connected Friday, said successful a connection that she was 'still flying high' aft nan group and decided it was now nan cleanable opportunity to denote her show astatine nan iconic London venue.

Saying: 'There couldn't beryllium a amended clip to stock this pinch you all! I americium still flying precocious from nan magic of headlining nan Pyramid Stage astatine Glastonbury this weekend,' 

'And I americium perfectly thrilled to denote I'll beryllium playing Wembley Stadium this clip adjacent year' 

A root told The Sun: 'Her past circuit was arsenic bully arsenic sold out, but it was an arena tour, to make nan jump to stadiums is amazing, particularly erstwhile she's only connected her 3rd album'. 

Dua Lipa, 29, has announced she will execute her biggest ever gig astatine Wembley Stadium connected 20 June 2025 - aft wowing fans pinch her Glastonbury capacity connected Friday (pictured)

The English-Albanian prima said successful a connection that she was 'still flying high' aft her header group and decided it was now nan cleanable opportunity to denote her show

Wembley Stadium pictured wherever Dua will execute to 90,000 fans 

Taylor Swift pictured connected shape astatine Wembley Stadium past month 

The root said it will beryllium an affectional infinitesimal for nan popular prima arsenic it will show nan activity she has been doing since moving to London from Kosovo astatine nan property of 15 has paid off. 

Tickets will spell connected waste astatine 10am Friday July 12, while O2 customers tin get early entree via nan Priority app from 10am Wednesday, July 10 -  48 hours earlier wide release.

After her 'magical' group connected nan Pyramid Stage, Dua hosted a backstage backstage bash wherever she thanked her 'inner circle' and wished her mum a happy birthday.

But aft nan friendly celebrations, Dua headed to cheery nine NYC Download successful Block9 of nan show - wherever she partied until 4am.

And successful pictures obtained by The Sun, Dua and Callum showed really smitten they are arsenic they passionately snogged connected nan dancefloor. 

The nightclub - who were not alert that Dua would beryllium attending - is famed for its debauchery. It features spell go dancers successful jock straps and a acheronian room for X-rated antics. 

Dua and Callum kept a debased floor plan arsenic they sneaked successful earlier being taken to their ain backstage area. 

But it was not a tame night, arsenic nan New Rules hitmaker stayed retired until nan early hours drinking vodka and tonics and smoking cigarettes. 

Dua headlined Glastonbury Festival for nan very first clip connected Friday, and she wasted nary clip successful celebrating pinch her beau Callum Turner connected a nighttime out

The One Kiss singer, 29, and nan actor, 34, were first romantically linked successful January, and they could not support their hands disconnected each different astatine nan Worthy Farm arena complete nan weekend

After her 'magical' group connected nan Pyramid Stage, Dua hosted a backstage backstage bash wherever she thanked her 'inner circle' and wished her mum a happy birthday

A root told nan publication: 'Dua and Callum couldn't extremity smiling and they were hugging and kissing nan full clip they were there. He truthful was telling her really proud he is of her and she looked smitten. 

'At 1 constituent Calum produced a caller vessel of Belvedere vodka and started free pouring vodka and tonics for Dua.'

Then connected Saturday, nan mates emerged precocious greeting aft their dense nighttime and relaxed successful nan VIP area.

Dua puffed connected a cigaret while Callum wrapped his arms tightly astir her arsenic she relaxed.

After headlining nan Pyramid Stage connected Friday night, Dua enjoyed immoderate well-needed downtime pinch nan character astatine nan star-studded festival.

The Houdini hitmaker cosied adjacent to her emotion aft her show divided fans pinch claims of sound woes and mendacious miming accusations. 

And successful pictures obtained by The Sun, Dua and Callum showed really smitten they are arsenic they passionately snogged connected nan dancefloor

Dua, who dropped nan F-bomb during her capacity past night, showed disconnected her jaw-dropping fig successful a achromatic strappy apical and mini denim shorts.

Proving their six-month narration is going stronger than ever, nan smitten mates looked much than loved-up arsenic they chilled astatine time 4 of nan festival. 

The English-Albanian vocalist went done a medley of hits and performed respective acrobatic creation routines successful a leather studded bodysuit arsenic she was shouted connected by thousands astatine Worthy Farm. 

Tickets will spell connected waste astatine 10am Friday July 12, while O2 customers tin get early entree via nan Priority app from 10am Wednesday, July 10 - 48 hours earlier wide release. 

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