DNC drops Georgia ad calling Trump ‘ultimate threat’ to democracy — but leaves out Biden

Trending 2 days ago

As nan Democratic Party keeps trying to rotation its measurement retired of President Biden’s Atlanta statement disaster past week, it turned to Georgia’s largest newspaper Tuesday successful a caller bid to move nan 2024 run into a referendum connected Donald Trump.

In what nan Democratic National Committee called a “homepage takeover of nan Atlanta Journal-Constitution,” readers were hammered pinch a integer advertisement describing Trump, successful nan Democrats’ words, arsenic “not only a fraud and a liar, but arsenic nan eventual threat to our democracy.”

That 85-second spot revisits acquainted tropes from nan Biden-Harris re-election campaign’s messaging – and avoids immoderate mention aliases depiction of nan president himself, suggesting that nan advertisement could beryllium deployed sloppy of whether location is simply a alteration atop nan ticket.

The Democratic National Committee is moving an advertisement successful Georgia calling erstwhile President Donald Trump nan eventual “threat to democracy.” Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images

The advertisement spotlights an speech betwixt Trump and CNN statement co-moderator Dana Bash, who asked: “Will you judge nan results of nan predetermination sloppy of who wins? Yes aliases no, please?”

“If it’s a adjacent and ineligible and bully predetermination – absolutely,” Trump responded, earlier repeating his declare that nan 2020 predetermination was marked by “fraud and everything else.”

“If you want, we’ll person a news convention connected it successful a week aliases we’ll person different 1 of these connected – successful a week,” Trump added.

The advertisement highlights that Trump refused to judge nan results of nan predetermination 3 times during nan debate.

The DNC advertisement says nan speech is impervious of Trump having “refused” to judge predetermination results and includes a clip of CNN anchor Kasie Hunt saying nan 78-year-old “would not perpetrate to accepting nan predetermination results.”

“He lied complete and complete again,” Hunt says successful nan ad, which besides includes commentary from wide MSNBC “Morning Joe” big Mika Brezezinski and erstwhile Barack Obama run strategist-turned-CNN commentator David Axelrod.

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“Donald Trump is nan astir existential threat to America’s populist yet,” DNC spokesperson Abhi Rahman said. “Trump has shown complete and complete again that he has nary remorse for his domiciled successful nan insurrection connected our nation’s Capitol, and now that nan Supreme Court has emboldened his vulnerable pursuit of power, there’s nary uncertainty that his number 1 privilege successful a 2nd word would beryllium dismantling populist arsenic we cognize it.”

The advertisement is moving connected nan Atlanta Journal- Constitution location page.
President Biden is not mentioned successful nan ad. Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images

Prior to past week’s debate, Trump led Biden by 5 percent points, 43% to 38% successful a canvass conducted by nan AJC.

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