Miami airport floods with mysterious lime green liquid dripping from ceiling

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Travelers going done nan Miami International Airport connected nan Fourth of July were treated to a nasty astonishment erstwhile a unusual lime greenish fluid began leaking done nan ceiling and flooding a hallway.

Airport officials said nan leak, which was not hazardous, came from a tube successful nan facility’s Concourse G astatine astir 9 a.m. Thursday.

Green liquid flooded a hallway astatine nan Miami International Airport connected Thursday.
Officials said it was h2o pinch greenish dye leaking from nan AC system.

Images shared by MIA unit showed nan hallway covered successful nan fluorescent liquid, pinch custodians closing disconnected nan area and moving to cleanable up nan mess.

“The valve feeding nan tube has been closed to extremity nan leaking, and cleanup efforts are now underway,” an airdrome spokesperson said successful a statement. 

Footage shared by passengers showed adjacent ups of nan liquid cascading from nan walls, pinch nan lime-colored messiness rendering an full waiting area inaccessible.

Airport unit were capable to cleanable up nan geen messiness wrong 90 minutes. Miami International Airport/X

Officials said nan mysterious ooze was really h2o pinch a greenish dye that came from nan building’s aerial conditioning system.

The greenish dye is utilized to easy observe a leak and trace it backmost to its source, nan airdrome rep said successful nan statement.

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