Explosive exit poll result shows Labour on track for huge majority with 410 seats as Tories tumble to just 131 - with Lib Dems on 61 and Reform 13

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Britain is facing nan reality of a massive Labour majority coming pinch Keir Starmer projected for an election rout.

Moments aft ballot stations closed astatine 10pm, nan melodramatic exit canvass was released - showing Sir Keir winning 410 of nan 650 seats. That would beryllium a mostly of 170 - conscionable short of nan 179 achieved by Tony Blair.

The Tories are expected to beryllium slashed from nan 365 secured little than 5 years agone to conscionable 131 - their worst capacity successful modern governmental history. 

Meanwhile, nan Lib Dems could get 61 - and Nigel Farage's Reform insurgents are predicted to person 13 aft efficaciously leeching millions of votes from nan Conservatives. The SNP would beryllium slashed to 10, meaning they would nary longer beryllium nan biggest statement successful Scotland. 

Although nan exit survey, tally for broadcasters by polling guru Sir John Curtice, is not guaranteed to beryllium exact, it has accurately reflected nan result successful nan past fewer elections.

Sir Keir gave a muted guidance to nan bombshell, posting connected societal media: 'To everyone who has campaigned for Labour successful this election, to everyone who voted for america and put their spot successful our changed Labour Party - convey you.' 

But his friends were acold little restrained, pinch Lord Mandelson gloating that he was 'gobsmacked' and an 'electoral meteor' had 'struck satellite Earth'. He said it would person required a 'superman' to prevention nan Tories and Rishi Sunak 'is not superman'.

Deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner - who could beryllium group to go lawman PM wrong hours - said nan numbers were 'encouraging' and praised Sir Keir's leadership. 

Shadow wellness caput Wes Streeting was successful tears arsenic he was told nan figures connected unrecorded TV. 

Moments aft ballot stations closed astatine 10pm, nan melodramatic exit canvass was released - showing Sir Keir winning 410 of nan 650 seats

Rishi Sunak and his woman Akshata Murty arrived to formed their ballot at Kirby Sigston Village Hall successful Northallerton, North Yorkshire, this morning

Sir Keir arrived pinch his woman Victoria to formed their votes this greeting astatine a polling position successful their Holborn and St Pancras constituency successful northbound London

Less than an hr earlier nan exit canvass dropped, Downing Street released a dissolution honours database - sending 7 Tories and 8 Labour politicians to nan Lords. They see Theresa May, Rishi Sunak's main adjutant Liam Booth-Smith, Chris Grayling and erstwhile 1922 committee chair Graham Brady.

Harriet Harman and Margaret Beckett are among those connected nan Labour database - contempt Sir Keir having committed to abolishing nan Upper House. 

A dire run for Mr Sunak came stuttering to a halt past night, pinch nan PM making a bid much protect visits successful nan South East.

He now faces nan imaginable that he could beryllium retired of Downing Street by tomorrow morning, if nan results cookware retired arsenic severely arsenic anticipated successful nan coming hours.

Former Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson told Sky News that it looked for illustration a 'massacre'. 

A big of large beasts including Chancellor Jeremy Hunt successful Goldaming & Ash and Grant Shapps successful Welwyn Hatfield will now beryllium waiting nervously to spot if they autumn unfortunate to nan Labour and Lib Dem onslaught. There are fears those pinch nan highest majorities could extremity up astir vulnerable, pinch Home Secretary James Cleverly and moreover ex-PM Liz Truss thought to beryllium astatine risk. 

The Tories could quickly plunge into a vulnerable caller shape of crisis, pinch questions complete whether it tin moreover past amid nan situation from Reform. 

Sir John Curtice told nan BBC: 'It looks arsenic though Reform whitethorn triumph much seats than galore polls suggested.

'This is mostly because, not only has nan Conservative ballot fallen acold successful seats they antecedently held, but besides because Reform has precocious astir successful areas group voted Leave successful nan 2016 EU referendum.

'However, really galore seats Reform will triumph is highly uncertain – our exemplary suggests location are galore places wherever they person immoderate - but a comparatively debased - chance of winning.'

Conservatives pinch large majorities had go progressively tense during nan day, contempt CCHQ claiming that higher-than-expected turnout could thief them.

One erstwhile Cabinet curate told MailOnline: 'There appears to beryllium a bigger turnout than normal successful immoderate of my areas. Not each though.

'That would look to bespeak a determination connected nan portion of nan electorate to make their views heard, almost surely apt to beryllium against nan Tories.'

Mr Sunak took a immense governmental bet and shocked Westminster by triggering nan predetermination connected May 22, alternatively than waiting until nan Autumn arsenic had been wide expected.

It initially looked to beryllium paying off, pinch early policies from nan Tory run - specified arsenic nationalist national work - seeming to trim through.

In a large moment, Mr Farage responded by ruling retired opinionated arsenic a Reform candidate, admitting he did not person clip to put together a campaign.

But moreover past nan Tories did not spot a existent bounce successful nan polls. The Tories mislaid cardinal authorities including Mr Sunak's flagship smoking prohibition during nan 'wash-up' arsenic Parliament was dissolved for nan campaign.

And past a grim week successful early June saw things spell spectacularly downhill, pinch Mr Farage dropping nan bombshell that had changed his mind and was taking complete nan activity of Reform arsenic good arsenic opinionated to beryllium MP for Clacton.

Although Mr Sunak was seen arsenic landing blows connected Sir Keir complete taxation during their first TV statement connected June 4, disaster struck erstwhile nan PM opted to return early from D-Day day commemorations successful France to behaviour an question and reply pinch ITV.

A consequent grovelling apology did not forestall Mr Farage and opponents seizing connected nan blunder, which struck correct astatine nan bosom of nan Tory extremity of shoring up nan halfway ballot among older generations.

With polls already showing Reform eating into Tory support pinch potent attacks connected immigration, Mr Sunak was past engulfed successful different scandal.

It emerged that his closest Parliamentary aide, Craig Williams had successfully placed bets connected nan day of nan threat predetermination - though he insisted he did not person immoderate wrong information.

Other candidates and apical statement officials were past dragged into nan allegations, which proved peculiarly toxic pinch nan public. 

Mr Sunak was memorably challenged connected nan rumor during TV appearances, admitting he was 'incredibly angry'. But he was seen arsenic taking acold excessively agelong to retreat support for candidates facing allegations.

Nigel Farage was seen driving done Clacton, nan Essex seaside constituency wherever he is hoping to beryllium elected nan section MP, successful an aged subject conveyance arsenic he rallied nan last support for his campaign

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey and his woman Emily Gasson attended a polling position in Surbiton. He said: 'It's a beautiful day. I dream tons of group travel retired to vote'

With immoderate polls moreover showing Reform up of nan Tories, CCHQ shifted strategies to pass of nan threat of a divided Right handing Labour a 'supermajority' pinch untrammeled power.

That together pinch arguable remarks from Mr Farage astir nan West 'provoking' Russia's penetration of Ukraine, and revelations astir unsavoury comments by a bid of Reform candidates looked to person stopped nan bleeding.

But aft a bruising six weeks Labour's immense advantage was intact, and nan only important alteration was that nan Tories had mislaid crushed to Reform. 

By yesterday, contempt Mr Sunak's declare he was 'fighting difficult for each vote', his adjacent state Mel Stride was efficaciously acknowledging nan Conservatives would suffer - an unprecedented step. 

The Work and Pensions Secretary said Labour would get an 'extraordinary landslide connected a standard that has astir apt never, ever been seen successful this state before'. 

As hostility built done predetermination day, nan Tories claimed a higher-than-expected turnout had near them pinch a 'MUCH amended chance' than cataclysmic polls had suggested.

An email to Conservative supporters, signed from nan 'CCHQ Data Team', read: 'We're getting reports from our teams connected nan ground. And nan much reports we get, nan much it looks for illustration turnout is higher than expected.

'That intends we could person a MUCH amended chance than polls person suggested. So if you haven't voted yet, now's nan clip to get out.'

Queues of group were seen astatine polling stations coming arsenic nan request for voters to bring correct photograph recognition - specified arsenic a passport aliases driving licence - was enforced astatine a UK wide predetermination for nan first time.

There was a bungle astatine a Glasgow polling position this greeting arsenic voters were met pinch posters listing nan incorrect instructions, which erroneously advised nan ranking of candidates successful bid of preference.

This is really ballots are formed successful local elections successful Scotland, which usage nan azygous transferable ballot system. But wide elections usage nan first-past-the-post system, which requires voters to put a azygous 'X' adjacent to their chosen candidate.

Glasgow City Council explained nan correction was spotted 'very soon' aft nan polling position opened astatine 7am and nan posters were replaced pinch nan correct information. It said no-one had been disenfranchised arsenic voters' first preferences would beryllium utilized from nan affected ballots.

Cabinet curate Kemi Badenoch this day blasted her ain section assembly for having 'potentially disenfranchised' thousands of postal voters who did not person their ballot papers.

The Business Secretary deed retired at Uttlesford District Council for 'forgetting' to nonstop postal votes to 2,600 group successful her North West Essex seat.

Prior to polls opening this morning, Rishi Sunak made an 11th-hour plea for voters to forestall a 'socialist supermajority' wrecking Britain, arsenic he repeated his informing against handing Sir Keir 'unchecked' power. 

Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn posted a image of himself astatine a polling position successful his Islington North constituency, wherever he is opinionated arsenic an independent campaigner against his aged party

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