DAN EVANS: Mike Dickson was part of the furniture here at Wimbledon… Mail Sport's legendary tennis correspondent is sorely missed

Trending 1 day ago
  • Mike Dickson, nan Daily Mail tennis correspondent, died astatine nan property of 59 this year
  • He was a elephantine of nan manufacture and worked astatine nan Mail for 33 years successful total 
  • Dickson covered much than 30 different sports successful astir 50 countries 

By Dan Evans

Published: 17:41 EDT, 30 June 2024 | Updated: 17:46 EDT, 30 June 2024

It will beryllium unusual not having Mike Dickson astatine Wimbledon this year. He began moving arsenic nan Daily Mail’s tennis analogous agelong earlier I played professionally and I vividly retrieve our first meeting.

I had been fixed a wildcard for Queen’s arsenic a teen and a mates of america ended up going for a nighttime retired successful London. Dicko picked up connected our misdemeanours and hammered us.

It was nan first clip I’d been successful nan property and I was livid astir it. I was young and trying to make a bully impression. I spent a fewer months stewing astir it earlier I really met Dicko for nan first time, astatine a title successful Bath. He was truthful benignant and polite that it was intolerable to beryllium angry pinch him.

The older I got, nan much I understood nan value of what he did. Everything Dicko wrote was balanced and fair. Tennis needs guys for illustration him and he was portion of nan furniture. We ended up sharing a mates of dinners together and I had awesome admiration for him.

His was nan first look I expected to spot other maine successful a property convention — and my media convention astatine January’s Australian Open sadly turned retired to beryllium nan past he attended earlier he passed away. The outpouring of condolences showed what a celebrated man he was. He will beryllium missed but he will surely beryllium remembered.

Mike Dickson poses pinch nan Ron Bookman Media Excellence Award he won successful 2016

Every twelvemonth astatine Wimbledon, I rent a spot for a mates of weeks successful nan village, not acold from wherever Dicko’s family live. I popular down to Demitasse java shop each greeting and I emotion nan familiarity of it all. You move up nan play earlier and it’s each truthful serene and quiet — perfectly displayed flowers everyplace — past nan gates unfastened and it is pandemonium. It’s my favourite title connected nan circuit.

On a individual note, I’m conscionable happy to person made it present because I injured my knee a mates of weeks agone and nan first prognosis was not good. I was beautiful overmuch ruled retired truthful I’ve not had overmuch believe and my expectations are reasonably low. But it’s a bully opportunity to get connected tribunal earlier I hopefully play doubles pinch Andy Murray astatine nan Olympics successful Paris.

It’s unfortunate that Andy’s fittingness is up successful nan aerial for Wimbledon because he’s 1 of nan icons of British sport. His activity ethic and resilience person inspired group beyond tennis. I don’t deliberation we’ll spot a British tennis subordinate do what Andy’s done, fixed each nan setbacks he’s had. I dream he gets nan send-off present that he deserves. He will get a typical reception, regardless.

British No 3 Dan Evans says it will beryllium unusual not having Dickson astatine Wimbledon this year

There are 12 British entrants connected nan men’s side, which is nan astir we’ve had for a agelong time. Eight of those are wildcards and 4 are nonstop acceptances. It’s an parameter that British tennis is successful OK wellness but adjacent twelvemonth we should beryllium aiming for 8 nonstop qualifications.

With truthful galore promising Brits around, for illustration Jack Draper and Henry Searle, there’s an astonishing opportunity for a mates of young guys to make a sanction for themselves. If a youngster classed 240 wins a information past that’s large points for them.

Wetting your feet astatine this level tin do each sorts for your ambition and inspiration. It tin really group immoderate of nan young guys connected their way and hopefully we spot that complete nan adjacent week aliases so.

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