Fans 'throw TRAINERS' onto the pitch during the Netherlands' victory over Romania - as Donyell Malen's narrowly avoids the shoes when scoring his side's third goal

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By Will Pickworth

Published: 14:06 EDT, 2 July 2024 | Updated: 14:25 EDT, 2 July 2024

A bizarre incident occurred during nan Netherlands' 3-0 triumph complete Romania successful nan last-16 of Euro 2024 arsenic fans reportedly threw trainers connected nan transportation earlier Donyell Malen scored nan Oranje's 3rd goal.

Ronald Koeman's broadside progressed to nan quarter-finals of nan tourney acknowledgment to 2 goals from nan Borussia Dortmund prima and 1 from Cody Gakpo, but it was Malen's 2nd onslaught that caused confusion.

As nan guardant ran towards nan Romania goal, a brace of trainers were seen wrong their punishment box.

Romania keeper Florian Nita was forced to footwear 1 trainer away, earlier Malen trim wrong and fired past him, pinch nan shot thankfully not hitting either shoe.

It is unclear what happened successful nan first place, but Romania's supporters were down that extremity successful nan 2nd half truthful it was assumed that 1 disappointment instrumentality threw them onto nan pitch.

Fans threw trainers connected nan transportation during nan Netherlands' 3-0 triumph complete Romania successful nan last-16

The shoes were precariously placed wrong Romania's punishment area arsenic Donyell Malen trim inside

Romania keeper Florian Nita (top of screen) was forced to footwear 1 trainer distant arsenic Malen shot

Malen's onslaught saw him trim wrong some Darius Oaru and Razvan Marin aft a lung-busting run, earlier he vanished emphatically to book his squad a quarter-final match-up pinch either Turkey aliases Austria. 

Fans were near baffled by nan bizarre business arsenic 1 said: 'Romanian instrumentality tried to extremity him pinch his sneakers,' arsenic different added: 'That's a caller one.'

Meanwhile, speaking connected BBC's sum of nan game, Gary Lineker gave his thoughts connected nan incident.

'I emotion really nan goalkeeper kicks 1 of nan trainers distant earlier he tries to make nan save,' he said. 'Did you spot that?! 

'I didn't cognize you were allowed to usage merchandise placement for illustration that successful these competitions.'

Ashley Williams added: 'Well if he'd person kicked nan shot distant that mightiness person been better...'


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