Man United pay tribute to former Busby Babe member Jeff Whitefoot after death aged 90... as Nottingham Forest hail FA Cup winning hero

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  • Jeff Whitefoot was portion of nan original Busby Babes astatine Manchester United
  • He played for Grimsby Town and won nan 1959 FA Cup pinch Nottingham Forest
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By Michael Pavitt

Published: 14:25 EDT, 2 July 2024 | Updated: 14:25 EDT, 2 July 2024

Manchester United and Nottingham Forest person paid tribute to erstwhile prima Jeff Whitefoot pursuing his decease astatine nan property of 90.

Whitefoot was portion of nan original Busby Babes, led by Manchester United's legendary head Sir Matt Busby.

He became Man United's youngest convention debutant successful April 1950 erstwhile he played against Portsmouth astatine Old Trafford astatine nan property of 16 years and 105 days.

Whitefoot made 95 appearances successful each competitions for Man United, forming portion of their title winning broadside successful 1955/56.

Man United issued a connection expressing its 'deep sadness' astatine Whitefoot's death.

Jeff Whitefoot, aged 16, was interviewed by nan BBC pinch Jimmy Murphy and Matt Busby successful 1950

Whitefoot was portion of Manchester United's title winning broadside successful the 1955/56 season

He moved to Grimsby successful 1957, earlier signing for Nottingham Forest little than 1 twelvemonth later

'Sending our heartfelt condolences to nan family and friends of Jeff Whitefoot, a erstwhile Busby Babe, who has passed distant astatine nan property of 90,' Man United said. 

'One of nan original Busby Babes, Jeff had joined nan Reds consecutive from schoolhouse successful nan summertime of 1949 arsenic an agency boy-cum-midfield schemer, quickly emerging arsenic competent astatine nan erstwhile task, exquisitely promising astatine nan latter.

'A beautifully balanced jock whose shot power was deliciously assured pinch either foot, Jeff was almost serene successful style, a uncommon value successful a young player. 

'He publication nan action intelligently and specialised successful shrewd interceptions; he tackled briskly and was exceedingly competitory successful nan aerial for a subordinate mini successful stature.'

Whitefoot near Man United in 1957 having mislaid his spot successful nan broadside to Eddie Colman, starring to him submitting a transportation request.

He joined Grimsby Town months earlier the Munich aerial disaster which killed 23 people, including 8 Man United players and 3 members of nan club's staff.

Whitefoot spent little than a twelvemonth astatine Grimsby, earlier returning to nan apical formation pinch Nottingham Forest.

Forest joined Man United successful paying tribute to Whitefoot, highlighting really he cemented his spot successful nan club's folklore successful his first season.

Nottingham Forest joined nan tributes to Whitefoot, a personnel of their 1959 FA Cup winning side

Whitefoot was nan past surviving personnel of Nottingham Forest's FA Cup winning squad

'Jeff quickly establishing himself astatine nan Club wherever he would spell connected to look 285 times successful each competitions nether nan guidance of Billy Walker, Andy Beattie and past Johnny Carey,' a Forest connection read.

'Jeff’s top accomplishment astatine Forest came successful his debut play arsenic Walker’s squad defeated Luton Town astatine Wembley to triumph nan FA Cup for nan 2nd time, pinch his first of 7 goals for nan Club coming successful nan 4th information of nan title against his aged broadside Grimsby Town.

'For astir a decade Jeff was regularly a cardinal portion of nan broadside arsenic The Reds competed successful nan First Division, and during his last afloat play nan squad achieved what was their highest convention decorativeness astatine nan time, finishing 2nd successful nan First Division only down his erstwhile club, Manchester United.'

Whitefoot had been described arsenic nan past of the original Busby Babes, arsenic good arsenic nan past surviving personnel of nan Nottingham Forest broadside to assistance nan FA Cup in 1959.

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