Patrick Mahomes and wife Brittany attend Morgan Wallen show in London after teammate Travis Kelce's visit to watch Taylor Swift last month

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By Jake Fenner

Published: 17:09 EDT, 4 July 2024 | Updated: 17:09 EDT, 4 July 2024

The Mahomes' are continuing their European circuit pinch a extremity successful London to watch state euphony prima Morgan Wallen execute live.

Brittany Mahomes posted a photograph of herself and hubby Patrick Mahomes successful what appears to beryllium a VIP area for nan show.

The Kansas City Chiefs backmost is seen draped complete his woman holding her adjacent arsenic a packed wide admittance area is seen down them.

Brittany past took a image of that standing-room-only conception - wherever fans eagerly awaited nan capacity of nan 'Last Night' singer.

It was conscionable different extremity connected a agelong picnic for nan Mahomes family - pinch Patrick and Brittany visiting galore different countries during their clip off.

Patrick and Brittany Mahomes posted a threat of them astatine a Morgan Wallen show successful London

Thousands packed Hyde Park to perceive nan capacity by nan 'Last Night' singer

That included Switzerland - wherever nan mates enjoyed immoderate clip successful nan Alps.

The king and queen of Chiefs kingdom were each smiles successful photos taken by Brittany successful Switzerland, wherever nan mates spent immoderate value family clip pinch their 2 children connected a seesaw and petted respective adorable brownish cows successful nan countryside. 

The family of 4 besides went each retired connected a vintage achromatic car and chalet they seemed to person rented for their travel successful nan Alps. 

'St. Mortiz, Switzerland you were beautiful,' Brittany captioned her station of her clip spent successful nan mountains pinch her small people connected Instagram.

Earlier successful June, nan mates were seen connected nan Iberian Peninsula, arsenic some Brittany and Patrick looked very overmuch loved up successful romantic pictures shared from nan Spanish land of Marbella.

They past went to Portugal pinch their children. 

There, Patrick was seen kissing his woman of 2 years connected nan feature during a romanticist vessel ride.

Mahomes' Chiefs teammate Travis Kelce precocious saw his lady, Taylor Swift, play successful London

Of course, nan Mahomes' stopping to spot Wallen is not nan only clip successful caller representation that a Chiefs subordinate took successful a performance successful London.

It was conscionable weeks agone that Travis Kelce was astatine Wembley to watch his superstar woman Taylor Swift execute 3 abstracted nights nether nan arches of nan celebrated shot ground.

The 3rd nighttime proved nan astir memorable of them all, arsenic nan Kansas City Chiefs prima stunned fans by making an on-stage cameo while donning a apical chapeau and tuxedo.

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