Daisy Edgar-Jones puts on a loved-up display with her boyfriend Ben Seed as they enjoy an arm-in-arm stroll at Glastonbury

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Daisy Edgar-Jones and her fellow Ben Seed put connected different loved-up show arsenic they joined a slew of stars at Glastonbury Festival connected Saturday.

The Normal People star, 26, flaunted her svelte fig in a achromatic strappy apical and denim shorts, teamed pinch Hunter boots. 

The character was captured enjoying her clip astatine nan iconic euphony arena pinch nan photographer arsenic they walked arm-in-arm astir nan field.

The lovebirds, who person been making love since past summer, looked smitten arsenic they enjoyed nan festival.

Meanwhile nan photographer sported a faded people T-shirt and achromatic trunks.

Daisy Edgar-Jones and her fellow Ben Seed put connected different loved-up show arsenic they joined a slew of stars astatine Glastonbury Festival connected Saturday 

The Normal People prima flaunted her svelte fig successful a achromatic strappy apical and denim shorts, teamed pinch Hunter boots 

Ben is nary alien to a precocious floor plan relationship, having antecedently dated The Queen's Gambit prima Anya Taylor-Joy.

He divided up pinch nan blonde beauty up of her beating Daisy to nan champion character gong astatine nan Golden Globes successful 2021.

Meanwhile, Daisy divided from Tom Varey successful precocious 2020 aft 2 years of dating.

The Normal People character is said to beryllium connected 'cloud nine' aft embarking connected a narration pinch Ben, who goes by nan creator sanction Pip.

A root told The Sun: 'Daisy and Pip sewage together earlier this twelvemonth and person go inseparable.

'They person some had immoderate free clip this summertime and emotion hanging retired successful Broadway Market successful East London, conscionable going to bars and spending clip together.

'There’s a existent spark location and they are excited astir uncovering each other. They’ve already met 1 another’s friends and she is connected unreality nine.'

Daisy is presently promoting her upcoming movie Twisters - which is group for merchandise July 19 successful nan UK.

The lovebirds, who person been making love since past summer, looked smitten arsenic they enjoyed nan festival

The character was captured enjoying her clip astatine nan iconic euphony arena pinch nan photographer arsenic they walked arm-in-arm astir nan field

Daisy is presently promoting her upcoming movie Twisters - which is group for merchandise July 19 successful nan UK (Daisy and Glen Powell pictured successful April) 

The brunette beauty joined her co-stars Glen Powell and Anthony Ramos to clasp a Q&A astir their caller movie

The brunette beauty joined her co-stars Glen Powell and Anthony Ramos to clasp a Q&A astir their caller movie successful Las Vegas past month.

The trailer for Twisters was released successful February, giving a sneak peek of what is to beryllium released successful nan coming months.

In nan clip, Glen starred arsenic a large wind chaser who was forced to face a peculiarly catastrophic tornado while it wreaked devastation crossed nan Midwest.

It originates pinch a squad of meteorologists driving done a rainy tornado, and nan squad is forced to wantonness their conveyance and return shelter aft their conveyance is struck by flying debris.

The squad later attends a large wind chaser event, during which Tyler Owens, portrayed by Glen, leads nan crowd successful his catchphrase: 'If you tin consciousness it, pursuit it!'

Owens later joins nan meteorologists, and aft they find a tornado that Kate Cooper, played by Edgar-Jones, describes arsenic 'gorgeous,' he gives her a coquettish look.

The group goes connected to merchandise hundreds of drones into nan mediate of an progressive twister successful an effort to 'destroy a tornado,' which had ne'er been done before.

However, nan squad is past confronted by nan emergence of a peculiarly convulsive tornado that originates unleashing havoc.

A blogger walking pinch Owens' storm-chasing squad past notices that nan tornado is not alone, and remarks: 'We sewage twins!'

Although Powell's characteristic encourages Cooper to 'ride' her fears astatine a rodeo, nan arena is abruptly interrupted by nan onset of different twister.

Owens, Cooper and Ramos' characteristic are later forced to shelter themselves successful a sizable ceramic building while 1 of nan convulsive tornados originates destroying a midwestern town.

The trailer ends aft Powell's characteristic attempts to clasp onto 1 of his friends while she is being sucked into 1 of nan tornadoes.

Twisters serves arsenic a standalone sequel to Twister, which was primitively released successful 1996, and though nan task was primitively envisioned arsenic a remake, it was revealed that Twisters would beryllium a follow-up to nan original movie successful 2022.

Lee Isaac Chung, champion known for his activity connected nan 2020 play movie Minari, signed connected arsenic nan project's head successful December of 2022.

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