Amanda Abbington's 'mystery friend asks for anyone treated inappropriately while working on Strictly to come forward' amid Giovanni Pernice bullying probe

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An chartless friend of Amanda Abbingdon has reportedly called for anyone who has been 'treated inappropriately' while moving connected Strictly Come Dancing to travel forward.

The BBC launched an investigation aft Amanda's Strictly creation partner Giovanni Pernice, 33, was accused of 'threatening and abusive behaviour' while moving pinch personage contestants connected nan show, including nan actress, 50, Ranvir Singh and Laura Whitmore.

Last period nan names of nan master dancers who will look adjacent bid were announced - pinch Giovanni's sanction absent amid nan probe into alleged workplace 'misconduct', which he has powerfully denied.

And now The Sun reports that a friend of Amanda's has issued a plea to anyone other who has acquisition bad behaviour connected nan show to speak out, successful bid to support Amanda's case.

According to nan publication, an anonymous personification wrote nan station successful The TV Mindset, a societal media forum for TV manufacture workers.

An chartless friend of Amanda Abbingdon (pictured) has reportedly called for anyone who has been 'treated inappropriately' while moving connected Strictly Come Dancing to travel forward

The BBC launched an investigation aft Amanda's Strictly creation partner Giovanni Pernice (pictured), 33, was accused of 'threatening and abusive behaviour' while moving pinch personage contestants connected nan show, including nan actress, 50, Ranvir Singh and Laura Whitmore

They study it read: 'It is important to perceive arsenic galore accounts arsenic imaginable from others who were treated inappropriately, had grievances, aliases perchance place others that were.

'This is important successful supporting Amanda’s case, arsenic good arsenic perchance anyone else’s. It is besides yet to support each freelancers and nan manufacture arsenic a full by opinionated up to specified practices.'

The writer allegedly assured that 'sources would beryllium protected', while directing responses to nan email reside '' believed to beryllium short for Strictly Come Dancing Allies.

MailOnline has contacted representatives for Amanda for comment. 

It has antecedently been reported that up to 5 celebrities person 'already provided general statements' to 2 ex-Metropolitan Police detectives who are starring nan enquiry.

The Sun states Sam Bickley, nan BBC’s work of attraction executive, is expected to reside nan matter for nan first clip connected Tuesday.

A root said nan investigation could 'extend into adjacent year' and guidance consciousness location is important 'pressure' to guarantee it is arsenic thorough arsenic possible.

The insider said: 'Up to 5 stars person presented grounds successful statements and WhatsApp exchanges. Gio is apt to beryllium quizzed last, erstwhile everything other is successful order.

And now The Sun reports that a friend of Amanda's has issued a plea to anyone other who has acquisition bad behaviour connected nan show to speak out, successful bid to support Amanda's case 

It has antecedently been reported that up to 5 celebrities person 'already provided general statements' to 2 ex-Metropolitan Police detectives who are starring nan enquiry (pictured pinch Laura Whitmore successful 2016) 

'He’s much than happy to speak to investigators and is wished to clear his name.'

The root added nan BBC are hoping nan findings will not beryllium published successful nan mediate of nan upcoming bid arsenic nan show celebrates its 20th anniversary.

It comes aft the Strictly Come Dancing formed person reportedly been banned from discussing the 'bullying row'.

'Those who person followed my travel connected Strictly Come Dancing complete nan past decade will cognize that I americium passionate and competitive. No-one is much eager for my creation partners than me.

Bosses are said to beryllium worried nan family-friendly estimation of nan show is tainted and want to do everything they tin to extremity group from talking. 

Amanda left nan title mid-way done nan series, citing individual reasons aft weeks of rumours astir a feud pinch Giovanni. 

The Sherlock prima said she was diagnosed pinch Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and demanded to spot footage from rehearsals. 

Amanda later rubbished reports Giovanni had asked nan BBC to grounds his rehearsals pinch nan character complete increasing concerns astir her behaviour - claiming she had requested their creation practices to beryllium filmed, not him. 

A spokesperson for Giovanni said nan dancer powerfully denies nan claims being made astir him and confirmed that he is afloat cooperating pinch nan investigation

'I asked for them to beryllium recorded, it was me. Giovanni is nasty. He was atrocious to a fewer of us, a group of us.' 

The character is said to person met with Laura  and Ranvir earlier this twelvemonth for an 'emotional summit' to 'compare notes' astir their clip moving pinch Giovanni amid nan BBC's probe. 

Giovanni launched a fightback by hiring rival rule patient Schillings. His lawsuit is being handled by Joelle Rich, 39, who represented Johnny Depp successful his libel proceedings successful 2020. 

A spokesperson for Giovanni said: 'Schillings is engaging pinch BBC Studios to supply it pinch Giovanni's grounds to powerfully rebut nan claims being made astir him and corroborate Giovanni is afloat cooperating.

'As pinch immoderate reality TV show, erstwhile decisions are being made for intermezo reasons, nan producers person a work of attraction to each participants.' 

Giovanni besides shared a station to Instagram detailing that he was 'totally surprised' by nan allegations, which he denies. 

He said successful a statement: 'You will beryllium arsenic amazed arsenic I americium that allegations person been made astir my creation school methods successful nan media this week.

'Of course, I cull immoderate proposal of abusive aliases threatening behaviour, and I look guardant to clearing my name.

'Those who person followed my travel connected Strictly Come Dancing complete nan past decade will cognize that I americium passionate and competitive. No-one is much eager for my creation partners than me.

'I person ever striven to thief them beryllium nan very champion dancers they tin be. This has ever travel from a spot of emotion and wanting to triumph - for maine and my creation partners.

'Thank you each erstwhile again for your continued emotion and support!'

Meanwhile Amanda reported receiving decease threats from Giovanni’s fans aft claiming she developed PTSD from her acquisition pinch him. 

The character deleted her societal media accounts, conscionable hours aft it was confirmed nan professional dancer would not beryllium returning to nan series.

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