Country singer Chris Young reveals his step-father suffered a heart attack on the same day as his show in Colorado

Trending 2 days ago

By Deirdre Durkan-simonds For

Published: 14:08 EDT, 2 July 2024 | Updated: 14:22 EDT, 2 July 2024

Chris Young revealed his stepfather, Michael Harris suffered a bosom onslaught connected nan aforesaid time he was group to execute a scheduled performance complete nan weekend.

On Sunday, pursuing his capacity successful Greeley, Colorado, nan state euphony prima penned an affectional Instagram post, successful which he thanked fans for their unwavering support and expressed relief that his stepdad was connected nan roadworthy to betterment . 

'I don’t moreover person nan words… connected a time wherever my dada had a bosom onslaught you lifted maine up,' he told his fans. 'I emotion state euphony fans. I’m happy I played. I’m happy my dada is ok. Much emotion to each of you.'

The Drinkin' Me Lonely hitmaker, 39, besides shared photos of himself connected shape from nan show, pinch his bandmates and nan saccharine infinitesimal that hundreds of attendees raised their telephone flashlights up arsenic he performed astatine nan Greeley Stampede. 

A number of his 1.5 cardinal followers rushed to widen their well-wishes and prayers to Young and his family successful nan remark section. 

Chris Young revealed his stepfather, Michael Harris suffered a bosom onslaught connected nan aforesaid time he was group to execute a scheduled performance complete nan weekend; seen successful June 2024

'Chris, I’m truthful sorry to perceive astir your dad. I’m gladsome to perceive he’s doing well. I will opportunity a dream for him,' 1 wrote. 

Another instrumentality commented: 'So happy to perceive your dada is ok. I cognize it is simply a scary situation.' 

'Prayers for a patient betterment ❤️,' a 3rd said.

Others praised him for mustering up nan spot to get done his concert. 

Young's stepfather has battled a number of wellness issues, complete nan years, including his first bosom onslaught successful nan mid-2000s. 

In 2009, Harris was diagnosed pinch lung cancer. 

Two years later, Young told Taste of Country that his stepfather had a 'third of his lung out' and went done chemotherapy arsenic portion of his crab treatment. 

'He’s really doing really well. He’s doing great. But done each of that, I don’t deliberation I’ve ever really seen him get down successful nan dumps...Every time he gets up, it’s a bully day, and that’s thing I really deliberation I’ll walk connected to everybody,' Young said. 

On Sunday, pursuing his capacity successful Greeley, Colorado, nan 39-year-old state euphony prima penned an affectional Instagram post, successful which he expressed alleviation that his stepdad (pictured above) was connected nan roadworthy to recovery

Young, who refers to Harris arsenic his 'Dad' successful interviews and connected societal media, previously  shared an affectional video of himself astonishing Harris pinch a brand-new car for Christmas.

'My dada has been driving nan aforesaid motortruck for good complete a decade. I decided he needed a caller 1 this year. I emotion you dad!' he captioned footage of him unveiling nan surprise.  

He's besides shared images of them connected Father's Day arsenic good arsenic screenshots of their matter connection exchanges connected societal media.

In 1 Facebook post, Young posted a photograph of Harris pinch nan caption: 'This is my measurement dada only by technicality.'

'I don’t moreover person nan words… connected a time wherever my dada had a bosom onslaught you lifted maine up,' he told his fans. 'I emotion state euphony fans. I’m happy I played. I’m happy my dada is ok. Much emotion to each of you'

Young was nan Season Four victor of nan tv programme Nashville Star successful 2006 and has since roseate to fame pinch his deed songs, including Drinkin' Me Lonely and You're Gonna Love Me; seen successful March 2022 successful Las Vegas 

Most recently, he said to their adjacent narration connected his track, Gettin' Older disconnected his 2024 medium Young Love & Saturday Nights.

Harris projected to nan superstar's mother, Becky Harris, on Valentine's Day erstwhile he Young was still a child. 

Young was nan Season Four victor of nan tv programme Nashville Star successful 2006.

He since roseate to fame pinch deed songs, including Drinkin' Me Lonely and You're Gonna Love Me.

He calved successful Murfreesboro, Tennessee and he gained 1 of nan crowning achievements successful state euphony by becoming a personnel of nan Grand Ole Opry successful 2017.

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