Worst news confirmed for Kurtley Beale's Wallabies comeback after rape ordeal: 'It's super sad'

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By NCA NewsWire

Published: 01:07 EDT, 1 July 2024 | Updated: 01:07 EDT, 1 July 2024

The profession of resurrected Wallaby Kurtley Beale could beryllium complete pinch confirmation nan seasoned requires room aft rupturing his Achilles playing nine rugby.

Days retired from nan commencement of a caller era for nan Wallabies and caller coach Joe Schmidt, who recalled 35-year-old Beale to his 38-player squad, teammates were reeling from nan daze news.

Beale, who only past week said he was being driven by a quest to spell from 95 Wallaby caps to 100, and subordinate an exclusive club, is now looking astatine a important rehab period.

He was released to play for Randwick successful nan Shute Shield having been an outsider to make an instant world return successful Saturday's trial against Wales.

But aft coming disconnected nan bench, Beale went down untouched successful nan back-field and had to beryllium helped from nan section pinch scans connected Monday conforming thee worst.

'It's ace sad and everyone's emotion for Kurtley,' Wallabies flanker Fraser McReight said connected Monday.

'It's not 1 anyone really wants to perceive - personification doing their Achilles aliases a awesome wounded for illustration that. I'm judge everyone's sent him a connection and really emotion for him.'

The Wallabies person confirmed nan worst-case script for Kurtley Beale, pinch scans showing nan 35 year-old has reptured his Achilles

Beale had returned to rugby this Super play pinch nan Western Force aft a 12-month stand-down by pursuing superior ineligible charges, of which he was cleared

Andrew Kellaway, who is group to play a cardinal domiciled successful nan Wallabies backline alongside Tom Wright, who is favourite to play fullback against Wales, said Beale's teammates had been excited to person him back.

Beale had returned to nan fold having been stood down from rugby for 12 months aft being deed pinch ineligible charges, of which he was cleared.

'It could beryllium anyone, but it's horrible to see,' Kellaway said.

'Even worse, KB is personification I grew up watching and past yet playing with, he's personification who I see to beryllium a adjacent mate.

'It sucks to spot him correct connected nan brink and past correct backmost wherever he wants to beryllium and we were each excited to person him back.'

Amid immoderate daze astatine Beale's inclusion connected nan backmost of only a fistful of Super Rugby games for nan Western Force this year, caller coach Schmidt said fewer group could play nan crippled for illustration nan seasoned who has starred successful respective roles for nan Wallabies complete his agelong career.

'Game sense, it's difficult to coach that,' Schmidt said.

'He conscionable sees nan game. Sometimes I deliberation arsenic players get older, they spot it, but possibly struggle to onshore it. But he's been landing it beautiful well.'

David Feliuai has besides near Wallabies campy for 'personal reasons' up of Saturday's conflict pinch Joey Walton has been added arsenic his replacement.

Schmidt is yet to corroborate his 23-man line-up.

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