Willy Sagnol is the perfect fit for Georgia's passion play as the inspirational coach prepares to take on Spain in historic Euro 2024 last-16 tie, writes CRAIG HOPE

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Willy Sagnol spends six months of nan twelvemonth successful Georgia. For a Frenchman who different lives amid nan sedate vineyards of Bordeaux, that is simply a agelong clip connected roads overcrowded by cars and cattle.

Does it thrust him mad? Not astatine all. Rather, it is nan manager’s inspiration down a nationalist squad who person won hearts and minds and, against nan odds, a spot successful nan knockout rounds astatine their first awesome tournament.

‘When I took nan squad three-and-a-half years ago, it took maine a small while to understand nan civilization of nan country,’ Sagnol said up of Sunday’s crippled against Spain.

‘The Georgian group are made retired of emotions, pinch tons of ups and downs. I wanted my squad to look for illustration nan country,’ he said. ‘They are each very proud to beryllium Georgian. It is simply a mini state that has been smashed truthful galore times successful their history. They are very patriotic, they want to dice for their country.

‘It was important that our measurement of playing was a reflection of that. We effort to take sides very difficult each together.

Willy Sagnol spends six months of nan twelvemonth successful Georgia arsenic coach of nan nation's shot team

Sagnol is adored by Georgia supporters aft taking nan federation to nan European Championship for nan first time

‘As soon arsenic we retrieve nan ball, my players cognize they person state to do everything they want. We want to onslaught quickly — it fits our players and our culture.’

And nan roads backmost successful Tbilisi? ‘If you thrust successful Georgia, don’t moreover look for 1 2nd connected your phone! Anything tin happen! You tin meet goats aliases cows connected nan motorway. That is Georgia.

‘There is ever thing happening. On nan road, politically, successful their sport. You person nan emotion they ne'er sleep! But that is our team, we ne'er stop.’

Sagnol, 47, was a World Cup finalist successful 2006 and won 5 Bundesliga titles pinch Bayern Munich, arsenic good arsenic nan Champions League successful 2001.

The occupation nan erstwhile correct backmost has done successful taking Georgia — classed 74th successful nan world — into nan past 16 of nan Euros is remarkable, capped by their group triumph complete Portugal.

But does nan dream extremity connected Sunday nighttime successful Cologne?

‘Whatever happens, we person already won our European Championship,’ Sagnol said. ‘But, of course, we tin hit Spain. The history of shot is made from surprises and dreams coming true. But we cognize who we are and wherever we are coming from.

‘Spain is possibly nan champion squad successful nan competition, truthful it is simply a monolithic challenge. We should not attraction excessively overmuch connected nan sanction aliases nan players, we should attraction connected nan capacity we are going to give.’

Sagnol, 47, was a World Cup finalist successful 2006 and won 5 Bundesliga titles pinch Bayern Munich, arsenic good arsenic nan Champions League successful 2001

Georgia qualified for nan last-16 aft producing a stunning daze triumph complete Portugal

Sagnol is hoping to widen Georgia's enactment astatine teh title erstwhile they play Spain connected Sunday

If they are to propulsion disconnected what would rank arsenic 1 of nan biggest shocks successful this competition’s history, Georgia will request Napoli’s Khvicha Kvaratskhelia to shine.

‘I emotion his personality,’ Sagnol said. ‘He is afloat of respect for everyone, but connected nan transportation he is specified an animal. He wants to get amended and useful truthful hard.

‘For a manager, it is truthful easy to person a subordinate for illustration that. I conscionable speak pinch him to make judge he’s OK and he does nan rest. All of my players are nan same. They person fixed maine truthful much.’

Sagnol says each of this successful a delightful English accent, for illustration a state squire. Where has that travel from? ‘I conjecture from my wife. She is English, from nan Cotswolds. We met 20 years agone erstwhile my English was poor, truthful I learnt from her.’

Sagnol revealed to Mail Sport that he has ambitions to 1 time negociate successful nan Premier League

Last week, Sagnol chose 1 prime English word, somewhat hilariously, to deed backmost astatine 1 aliases 2 critics of his squad action successful Georgia. ‘T**ts’ he called them and successful repeating nan connection to me, it is difficult to return offence fixed his elegant elocution.

‘Sometimes, successful Georgia, authorities interferes pinch our beautiful shot world. The connection came to picture definite group who were a spot excessively large for maine successful nan past days and weeks.’

And nan inspiration? ‘My wife! I will blasted her. She utilized it a mates of times and it stayed pinch me!’

For now, Sagnol is happy pinch nan cows and goats but, 1 day, he says a occupation successful nan Premier League would beryllium nice. Much for illustration nan squad he presently manages, he would surely bring colour and charisma.

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