British No 1 Jack Draper declares himself ready to step into Andy Murray's shoes... with the Scot still deciding if he'll play in Wimbledon singles after spinal cyst surgery

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  • Andy Murray practiced but his information astatine Wimbledon remains a doubt
  • Tomas Machac wants nan British fable fresh for their first information conflict connected Tuesday
  • However, British No 1 Jack Draper says he's fresh to return complete from Murray

By Matthew Lambert

Published: 17:30 EDT, 1 July 2024 | Updated: 17:42 EDT, 1 July 2024

As Andy Murray continues to agonise complete whether aliases not to return to nan singles tribunal astatine Wimbledon for a last time, Jack Draper declared himself fresh to measurement into those battle-worn aged tennis shoes.

'I want to return complete from Andy's legacy, what he did for British tennis,' said nan 22-year-old. 'I don't spot immoderate logic why I can't if I support connected moving hard, keeping nan correct group astir me. As Andy said: attraction connected nan process not nan outcome.'

The adjacent shape of Draper's process comes connected Tuesday against Swedish qualifier Elias Ymer. After nan first title of his profession successful Stuttgart and nan Carlos Alcaraz triumph astatine Queen's Club, nan British No 1 should beryllium good tin of a heavy tally here.

Murray had a believe deed connected Monday and afterwards said he would consult 'my squad and my family' earlier making a call. He added that a determination would 'most likely' beryllium made connected Monday nighttime but arsenic acheronian began to adjacent connected nan All England Club location was nary charismatic connection either way.

The 37-year-old is apt to slumber connected it 1 much time. The two-time champion is owed to look Czech Tomas Machac successful nan past lucifer of nan time connected Centre Court, but is still struggling pinch nervus symptom successful his correct limb aft having a spinal cyst removed.

Andy Murray was successful believe connected Monday but his information astatine Wimbledon remains a doubt

Murray is still struggling pinch nervus symptom successful his correct limb aft having a spinal cyst removed

British No 1 Jack Draper says he's fresh to return complete from nan legendary Murray successful nan future

Murray played believe points against erstwhile British No 1 Kyle Edmund – whose ain profession has been compromised by wounded – and for what it's worthy was winning 6-3, 2-0 erstwhile their tribunal clip was up.

Asked really he felt it had gone, he told reporters: 'It went OK. How did you deliberation it went, you're nan experts?'

Well, successful my decidedly inexpert view, nan service and forehand looked comparatively unaffected and he was OK coming guardant into nan net. But his lateral activity was compromised and he struggled connected nan backhand broadside – a changeable that requires a loading of weight connected to that correct leg. Did he look fresh for five-set combat? Not to my eye.

Machac is near somewhat successful limbo. The 23-year-old has already beaten nan awesome Scot doubly this twelvemonth – astir notably successful Miami erstwhile a good tally of Murray shape was ended by a ruptured ankle ligament.

'Hopefully he will beryllium alright and we tin play,' said Machac. 'In Miami he wounded his ankle - and still played for illustration he hadn't! It was a existent battle. So hopefully he will beryllium alright, it's bully for tennis if he tin play here.

'He's a awesome combatant truthful I deliberation if he steps connected nan tribunal he will beryllium 100 per cent fresh to play a full match.

'If he is not fresh he will not play. But if he is opinionated connected nan tribunal he will spell for nan win.'

If Murray does propulsion out, mediocre aged Machac faces nan imaginable of being booted disconnected Centre Court. With each respect, a necktie betwixt nan world 39 and a replacement fortunate loser is hardly befitting Wimbledon's cathedral court, and All England Club CEO Sally Bolton confirmed connected Monday: 'We will stay agile connected nan schedule.'

Draper (right) hailed Murray (left) and said he wanted to build connected his 'legacy' for British tennis

Tomas Machac has said he wants Murray to beryllium fresh for their first information conflict connected Tuesday

If Murray plays it promises to beryllium a existent tear-jerker of an evening – particularly if, arsenic is surely likely, he goes retired connected his shield. The All England Club person been keeping immoderate plans to people Murray's last Wimbledon singles lucifer quiet – though they person ne'er contradicted nan presumption that he will 1 time person a statue here.

Infamously Murray had to beryllium done an on-court tribute video 5 years agone successful Australia – erstwhile he hinted astatine status earlier rowing back. He will astir apt not want an tremendous opus and creation but Wimbledon doubtless person thing suitably tasteful up their well-tailored sleeve.

Draper and Murray are 2 of 12 Brits successful action connected Tuesday. From that soiled dozen, 7 wins would consciousness astir par.

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