When the playboy prince and the Olympian said 'oui': How Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco had TWO wedding ceremonies 13 years ago - but their uneasy kiss and her tears hinted at trouble

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He was nan playboy prince and she was nan Olympic swimmer-turned-princess.

Thirteen years ago, crossed 2 wedding ceremonies that costs a mixed £53million pinch accompanying celebrations, Prince Albert of Monaco tied nan knot pinch nan past Charlene Wittstock.

With a sparkling 850-strong impermanent database that included Sir Roger Moore and Prince Edward, nan belief ceremonial connected July 2 followed nan civilian nuptials a time earlier. 

At nan latter, Charlene stunned successful an off-the-shoulder Armani dress boasting a six-metre train and studded pinch 40,000 Swarovski crystals and 20,000 mother of pearl tear drops.

But nan couple's uneasy buss - and nan truth that astatine 1 infinitesimal Charlene was successful tears - possibly betrayed nan problem that had already taken spot and nan further angst that was to come.

Days earlier nan large day, rumours began to move that Charlene had tried to fly nan state connected 3 occasions pinch a one-way summons to Johannesburg. 

And they spent nan first nighttime of their honeymoon in South Africa - nan federation that Zimbabwe-born Charlene represented during her swimming profession - successful abstracted hotels.

It was nan personage arena of nan summertime successful 2011 erstwhile Albert II of Monaco joined Olympic swimmer Charlene Wittstock. The mates said 'oui' successful beforehand of 850 VIP guests. The belief ceremonial (above) took spot connected July 2, a time aft nan civilian service

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene beam extracurricular nan Prince's Palace successful Monaco aft their civilian ceremonial connected July 1, 2011

Three years later, Charlene gave commencement to twins Jacques and Gabriell, who were nan first morganatic heirs to nan throne aft Albert's children retired of wedlock. 

In 2021, nan princess took a prolonged aesculapian hiatus successful South Africa which saw her walk astir of nan twelvemonth distant from her hubby and children.

She missed some nan seventh day of her twins and her tenth wedding anniversary. 

Her clip distant followed caller allegations that Albert had fathered a 3rd emotion child, this clip successful 2005 pinch an unnamed Brazilian woman.

The Prince's lawyers dismissed nan declare arsenic a 'hoax'.  

In April 2022 nan mates were seen together for nan first clip successful much than 12 months. Charlene past returned to full-time nationalist work successful May that year. 

Charlene sparked rumours erstwhile she was seen crying connected her wedding day. She later said: 'There were each nan mixed emotions because of nan rumours and evidently nan hostility built up and I burst into tears'

The bride's silk wedding dress was designed by Giorgio Armani, had a six-metre train and was studded pinch 40,000 Swarovski crystals and 20,000 mother of pearl tear drops. It took a full of 2,500 hours to make

Charlene and Prince Albert beam arsenic they locomotion limb successful limb aft nan belief ceremonial astatine their 2011 wedding 

Under bluish skies, nan erstwhile Olympic swimmer had transformed into a Princess and became her Serene Highness Princess Charlene of Monaco

The achromatic roseate petals dropped successful their thousands to invited nan recently wed couple

Their £53million three-day wedding extravaganza was surely a spectacular occasion

Charlene's gown took 2,500 hours to prepare. Above: The Princess arrives for nan ceremony 

Princess Charlene and Prince Albert II of Monaco airs connected nan pavilion of nan Prince's Palace aft their civilian ceremony 

But nan return to normality was short-lived, for Charlene again vanished from nationalist life - this clip for much than 3 weeks - successful July past year.   

Her hubby meantime was spotted at Wimbledon without his wife. 

Before he met Charlene, Albert seemed destined for life arsenic a bachelor amid a soap opera of emotion kid scandals. 

When nan mates met, fewer expected romance to blossom - Charlene was aft each a  sports-mad olympian 20 years his junior. 

Yet nan mates fell successful emotion and made their first nationalist quality astatine nan 2006 Winter Olympics successful Turin. 

To wed into nan family, Charlene was require to study French and Monegasque and she had to person to Catholicism. The mates past became engaged successful June 2010. 

The similarities betwixt their emotion communicative and that of his father, Prince Rainier III, and his Hollywood character mother Grace Kelly did not spell unnoticed.    

French journalist Philippe Delorme went arsenic acold to show nan Daily Mail successful 2011: 'If nan Princess Grace communicative was a movie, past Princess Charlene is nan remake.'  

Days earlier nan wedding, a Parisian news magazine reported that Charlene had been stopped astatine Nice airdrome aft allegedly learning a 'distressing' revelation astir her early husband's backstage life.

A elder Monaco detective claimed astatine nan time: 'Charlene had her passport confiscated truthful that nan Prince's entourage could seduce her to stay'.  

The rumour mill successful France went into overdrive. Charlene had, it was suggested, heard talk of different illegitimate child, allegedly conceived erstwhile she was making love Prince Albert successful 2005.

But nan Princess would spell connected to disregard nan 'hilarious' rumours. She said: 'Why would he spell done each this effort to person our dearest friends travel subordinate us, for america to beryllium reluctant?'

Prince Albert added: 'My family person agelong been nan taxable of rumours calved retired of jealousy.'

Charlene and Albert stock an awkward buss connected nan pavilion of nan Prince's Palace aft nan civilian ceremonial which made them hubby and wife, July 1, 2011 

The couple's twins Jacques and Gabriella seen connected nan pavilion of nan Prince's Palace during nan National Day celebrations successful 2022

Princess Charlene and Prince Albert seen arriving for nan ceremonial of Queen Elizabeth II astatine Westminster Abbey 

At nan civilian ceremony, Charlene wore a custom-made aquamarine Chanel suit that was matched to nan colour of her eyes. 

With property rumours swirling astir them, nan mates posed for immoderate very awkward photos.

Then yet location was nan belief ceremony. 

Guests besides included nan then-French President Nicholas Sarkozy, his woman Carla Bruni, exemplary Naomi Campbell, businessman Philip Green and Prince and Princess Michael of Kent.

Alain Ducasse, France's astir celebrated chef, provided nan food, while Johnny Hallyday and Andrea Bocelli were to perform.

As Charlene was asked, successful French, if she would wed Albert Grimaldi, Princess Stephanie, nan groom's younger sister, raised her eyes to nan elaborately panelled ceiling depicting nan history of Alexander nan Great, arsenic if invoking his help. 

Everyone held their breath.

Charlene said 'oui'. Then Albert said 'oui'. Outside, nan crowds burst into applause. Inside, Stephanie breathed out, and burst into tears.

Under bluish skies, nan erstwhile Olympic swimmer transformed into a royal and became her Serene Highness Princess Charlene of Monaco.

More than 7,000 citizens were past invited to post-ceremony cocktails connected nan quadrate extracurricular nan Prince's Palace.

The drinks reception was followed by a performance by nan French composer Jean Michel Jarre.

Their first nationalist quality arsenic a couple: Prince Albert pinch Charlene successful Turin for nan 2006 Winter Olympic Games successful Turin. Few expected romance to blossom - Charlene was aft each a sports-mad Olympian 20 years his junior

Albert proposed pinch a handcrafted pear-cut gem flanked by smaller diamonds designed by Paris-based Italian jeweller Repossi. Above: The ringing connected Charlene's digit successful 2012 

Prince Albert pinch his mother Grace Kelly successful 1977. The Princess died successful 1982 successful a car crash

Prince Albert concluded nan formalities pinch a heartfelt reside to his caller princess. 'It has been a very affectional travel to this day, sometimes not an easy one,' he said.

'Charlene, convey you for putting up pinch my inconsistencies and idiosyncrasies. You are a awesome woman. 

'Marrying you is nan champion determination I've ever taken. I'm happy to stock my life pinch you.'

As for her tears, Charlene later told The Times: 'There were each nan mixed emotions because of nan rumours and evidently nan hostility built up and I burst into tears [immediately aft nan ceremony].

'And past I burst into tears immoderate much because I was reasoning "Oh no, now nan full world has seen maine cry''.'

Having tied nan knot, nan mates past flew into Durban, South Africa, for nan commencement of their honeymoon.

While they arrived astatine an assemblage pinch South Africa's past president, Jacob Zuma, a section newspaper reported that they near successful 2 abstracted vehicles.

The enigma deepened erstwhile it turned retired that Prince Albert was staying astatine nan Hilton edifice successful Durban, yet Charlene was bedding down astatine nan Oyster Box Hotel successful Umhlanga - much than 10 miles up nan coast. 

Despite nan speculation, it was later claimed that nan logic was elemental enough: that nan prince had remained successful Durban because he had an early gathering nan pursuing greeting and was worried astir getting stuck successful postulation had he travelled successful from extracurricular nan city.

The begetter of nan caller princess, retired photocopier salesman Mike Wittstock, explained astatine nan time: 'This is because Albert attended nan convention for nan International Olympic Committee astatine nan Hilton.

'The convention started astatine 7am and Albert did not want to get up unnecessarily early and to beryllium successful traffic.'

A Monaco Palace root later confirmed that 'for applicable reasons, it was better' for nan prince to enactment successful nan Hilton.

However, neither nan root nor Mr Wittstock explained why Charlene did not simply enactment astatine nan Hilton pinch him.

Despite this early strife, nan Prince and Charlene person stayed together - moreover done their much caller struggles.

Speaking of Charlene's 2021 absence from nationalist life, Albert told People magazine: 'She didn't time off Monaco successful a huff! She didn't time off because she was huffy astatine maine aliases astatine anybody else… She didn't spell into exile.

Jacques and Gabriella pinch their mother Princess Charlene successful January 2023 watching nan accepted Sainte Devote convoy successful Monaco

Charlene first stepped retired pinch a melodramatic half-shaved caput successful December 2020

Albert and Charlene pictured together (left) successful August 2021 during her clip successful South Africa. Right: Charlene (right) successful October 2021 erstwhile her quality sparked concern

Charlene was besides admitted to a European curen installation successful Switzerland for exhaustion, some 'emotional and physical'

Princess Charlene of Monaco arrives for a photocall arsenic portion of nan Golden Nymph Awards ceremonial of nan 62nd Monte-Carlo Television Festival successful nan principalty of Monaco connected June 20, 2023 

Princess Charlene seen astatine nan Monaco Grand Prix successful May 

'It was perfectly conscionable a aesculapian problem which had to beryllium treated.'

He added that her unwellness had 'affected them some and it had not been addressed earlier because he was 'concentrating connected taking attraction of nan kids'.

Reflecting connected her narration pinch her hubby successful an question and reply pinch Tatler mag past year, Charlene said: '...The infinitesimal I met Albert, I felt a profound consciousness of destiny. I person been quoted arsenic saying I felt anemic astatine nan knees. 

'That is simply a somewhat trite measurement of phrasing it, but it is existent - I knew he was nan one.'

Last month, Princess Charlene again signalled a return to comparative normality pinch her outing astatine nan Monte Carlo Television show alongside her husband. 

It came aft she dazzled pinch an quality astatine nan Monaco Grand Prix successful May.  

Who are nan Monaco royal family? 

Rainier III ruled Monaco for almost 56 years, making him 1 of nan longest ruling monarchs successful European history, and had 3 children pinch woman Grace Kelly -  Caroline, Princess of Hanover, Prince Albert and Princess Stéphanie

Rainier III ruled Monaco for almost 56 years, making him 1 of nan longest ruling monarchs successful European history.

He was crucially responsible for nan translator of Monaco economy, shifting from its accepted casino guidelines to its existent position arsenic a taxation haven and taste destination. 

The Prince besides coordinated nan important reforms of Monaco's constitution, which constricted nan powers of sovereign rule. He joined American movie prima Grace Kelly in 1956, pinch generated world media attention.

They had 3 children, Caroline, Princess of Hanover, Prince Albert and Princess Stéphanie.

Caroline served arsenic first lady of Monaco until her relative joined Charlene successful 2011. She regularly attends important societal events successful Monaco, specified arsenic nan National Day celebrations, nan yearly Rose Ball and nan Red Cross Ball.

She joined French banker Philippe Junot in 28 June 1978, earlier divorcing successful 1980, earlier marrying Stefano Casiraghi, pinch whom she had 3 children Andrea Albert Pierre Casiraghi, Charlotte Marie Pomeline Casiraghi and Pierre Rainier Stefano Casiraghi.

Stefano was killed successful a velocity boating mishap successful 1990, pinch Caroline going connected to marry Prince Ernst August of Hanover, Duke of Brunswick successful 1999, and person 1 girl Princess Alexandra Charlotte Ulrike Maryam Virginia of Hanover.

Meanwhile Princess  Stéphanie has been a singer, swimwear designer and manner model.

Tragically, connected 13 September 1982, while returning location from their workplace successful Rocagel, France, Stéphanie and her mother had a car accident. Grace died nan adjacent day, connected September 14, while Stéphanie sustained a fracture of a cervix vertebra.

Caroline served arsenic first woman of Monaco until her relative joined Charlene successful 2011 and regularly attends important events, specified arsenic nan Rose Ball, pinch him 

Countess Beatrice Boromeo, Pierre Casiraghi, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Prince Albert II of Monaco, French character Carole Bouquet, Dimitri Rassam, Charlotte Casiraghi, Tatiana Santo Domingo, Andrea Casiraghi and Princess Alexandra of Hanover get for nan 'Bal de la Rose' successful 2019

She began a narration with Daniel Ducruet pinch whom she had 2 children, Louis and Pauline. She gave commencement to her 3rd kid Camille Gottlieb in 1992.  

Prince Albert II ascended to nan throne after nan decease of his father, Prince Rainier III, connected 6th April 2005. He is 1 of nan wealthiest royals successful nan world, worthy an estimated $1 billion.

He joined erstwhile Olympic swimmer Charlene successful 2011 and gave birth to twins Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques successful 2014

The children are often seen astatine royal events alongside Princess Charlene and Prince Albert, including connected nan pavilion astatine Monaco's National Day celebrations connected 19th November each year. 

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