Wife, 69, is killed in front of her horrified husband after armed robbers attack them at upmarket Newport Beach mall before she is dragged into a parking lot and run over by suspect's white Toyota

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  • Police chased 2 of nan suspects successful a high-speed pursuit earlier arresting them

By Elena Salvoni

Published: 07:33 EDT, 3 July 2024 | Updated: 07:48 EDT, 3 July 2024

Armed attackers killed a female successful beforehand of her horrified hubby arsenic they attempted to rob nan mates extracurricular an upmarket Newport Beach mall, constabulary person said.

The 69-year aged female and her hubby had been extracurricular a Barnes & Noble astatine the Fashion Island promenade erstwhile they were approached by 2 men astatine astir 3.30 p.m. connected Tuesday.

A 'struggle' ensued, pinch 1 of nan men fleeing nan segment connected ft and firing respective rounds pinch a handgun arsenic he did so, according to reports.

The female was past dragged into nan parking batch and deed by a car being driven by different man, cops said.

The different alleged attacker past jumped successful nan car earlier it sped off, pinch nan suspects firing shots arsenic they led nan constabulary connected a high-speed chase.

A man is seen surrounded by officers arsenic he is arrested. Police reportedly engaged successful a high-speed pursuit pinch 2 of nan suspects

Pictures show a achromatic constabulary forensics shelter successful nan parking batch astatine nan segment of nan attack

Police began pursuing nan men, who were successful a achromatic Toyota Camry, successful a cross-country pursuit soon aft nan convulsive attack.

They chased them into Los Angeles County aft a brace of suspects jumped retired adjacent Los Alamitos, CBS reports.

The suspects' car reached speeds of 110mph successful nan pursuit connected nan 105 freeway. Two jumped retired of nan car and began moving astir a vicinity successful South Gate.

Police recovered 1 of nan men hiding down trash cans extracurricular a location and arrested him.

They besides tracked down and arrested 2 different suspects successful nan fatal attack.

The victim, who has not been named, is reported to person been from New Zealand.

Her hubby was not injured successful nan attack, constabulary said, and nan gunfire did not consequence successful immoderate different injuries. 

'It is simply a shock,' Newport Beach Police Sgt. Steve Oberon said. 'It conscionable doesn't hap usually here.'

Newport Beach Police and different rule enforcement agencies hunt successful South Gate for suspects believed to beryllium progressive successful a fatal robbery astatine Fashion Island Mall connected Tuesday

Mayor Will O'Neill said he was 'furious' aft proceeding news of nan attack, which he described arsenic 'staggering'.

'I'm horrified. I'm mourning nan nonaccomplishment of personification who died wrong of our metropolis because of crime... This is simply a calamity and I'm furious.

'Newport Beach is simply a safe organization and we're mourning nan nonaccomplishment of someone,' he said. 

'Frankly, to hellhole pinch these guys. … These are thugs. Every organization is now dealing pinch this. We person to do amended arsenic a society. We cannot tolerate this.' 

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