When the Duchess of Westminster had to hold on to her veil during a strong blast of wind and all the other times the Royal family have had to battle with the breeze - as these pictures show...

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By Rebekah Absalom

Published: 02:31 EDT, 17 June 2024 | Updated: 03:15 EDT, 17 June 2024

Royals are expected to embody grace and composure while travelling nan world for charismatic engagements.

However, moreover nan astir poised members of nan Royal Family have recovered themselves flustered erstwhile their skirts unexpectedly billow up successful a gust of wind.

Catherine, Princess of Wales, has been caught having a 'Marilyn moment' connected aggregate occasions.

And it seems that a big of regal women person needed to cling onto their designer dresses and ornate hats successful a conflict pinch nan breeze - arsenic these pictures show...

At nan wedding of Olivia Henson and nan Duke of Westminster astatine Chester Cathedral successful June, a melodramatic show is created by a gust of wind

Queen Elizabeth, nan Queen Mother and Princess Diana laughter arsenic they are caught successful nan upwind pursuing nan Christmas Day work astatine Sandringham successful 1990

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, has a 'Marilyn moment' while attending nan wedding of Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank successful 2018

Peter Phillips (2L), Autumn Phillips (L), Zara Tindall (2R) and Mike Tindall (R) besides conflict nan breeze astatine Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank's wedding

Meghan Markle appears windswept arsenic she attends a ceremonial to unfastened nan caller Mersey Gateway Bridge successful 2018

Princess Diana maintains her composure arsenic her hemline is lifted by nan upwind during a circuit successful Egypt successful 1992 

Melania Trump (L) and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, clasp connected to their hats during nan Ceremonial Welcome successful nan Buckingham Palace Garden for President Trump successful 2019

Pregnant Pippa Middleton manages to drawback her chapeau conscionable successful time

Queen Maxima of nan Netherlands holds connected to her chapeau owed to beardown winds upon her presence astatine nan 10th day ceremony of nan Foundation Language astatine Sea successful April

Princess Diana experiences a stiff breeze astatine nan Poolemead centre for nan Deaf successful Twerton connected Avon successful 1985

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, prevents her dress from revealing excessively overmuch astatine nan christening of Princess Charlotte successful Sandringham

Chelsy Davy shrieks successful nan blustery upwind arsenic she arrives astatine St George's Chapel for nan wedding of Princess Eugenie  and Jack Brooksbank 

Sarah Fergusson clung onto her chapeau arsenic upwind blasted her during a sojourn to Annan Botanic Gardens, Sydney, successful 1988

Queen Camilla takes attraction erstwhile exiting her level astatine Orly Airport, Paris, owed to beardown winds

Princess Diana braves nan awesome British breeze to sojourn Capital Radio successful 1982

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