Alabama teen, boyfriend killed days apart in same location with police chase into burned church: report

Trending 2 days ago

A 19-year-old Alabama woman has died pursuing a constabulary chase, crashing her conveyance successful nan aforesaid location her fellow had died successful only days prior, section rule enforcement officials told

Jennefer L. Arellano-Maldonado, 19, died astir 12:53 a.m. Sunday aft her 2019 BMW X5 veered disconnected nan roadworthy and burst into flames adjacent nan Riverside Baptist Church while trying to elude police, reported.

Days prior, her boyfriend, Anthony Banks Jr., besides died successful a fatal clang connected Thursday astir 1:30 a.m., erstwhile he lost control of his car, and it collapsed into nan aforesaid religion and group it ablaze, according to

The fiery aftermath required some nan Pell City Fire Department and Riverside Fire and Rescue astatine nan segment to put retired nan blazes caused by nan car crash.

Riverside Fire and Rescue work said of nan religion successful a Facebook post that “Riverside Baptist Church has been a staple successful our mini municipality for decades and our thoughts and prayers are pinch them and nan family of nan deceased during this difficult time.”

Anthony Banks Jr. died successful a fatal clang connected Thursday astir 1:30 a.m., erstwhile he lost control of his car, and it collapsed into nan church. Courtnee Bagwell Barajas / Facebook
The clang group nan Riverside Baptist Church ablaze past week. Riverside Fire & Rescue Service / Facebook
The occurrence yet burned nan religion down. Riverside Fire & Rescue Service / Facebook
Jennefer L. Arellano-Maldonado, 19, died astir 12:53 a.m. Sunday aft her 2019 BMW X5 veered disconnected nan roadworthy and burst into flames adjacent nan Riverside Baptist Church while trying to elude police. CBS42

An investigation into some incidents is ongoing by nan Alabama Law Enforcement Agency.

Riverside Police Chief Jake Heath did not instantly respond to Fox News Digital’s petition for comment.

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