Utah teen struck by lightning on hike, miraculously survives after being found unconscious: ‘Divine intervention’

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A Utah teen miraculously survived being struck by lightning aft he was recovered unconscious during a religion hike, crediting “divine intervention” for keeping him alive.

Jacob Johnson,18, was hiking Salina Canyon pinch 50 different teens from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Thursday erstwhile nan thunderbolt deed nan group, according to KSL TV.

“We started to hike, and it started to travel down beautiful hard. I retrieve reasoning like, ‘This is benignant of a small scary,’” Johnson recalled to nan outlet.

Jacob Johnson was struck by lightning while hiking pinch his religion group connected Thursday. KSL News / YouTube

Footage captured nan infinitesimal an earth-shaking ace struck adjacent Johnson, who had been stepping on a muddy way during nan rainfall shower.

The teen hikers screamed successful fearfulness and confusion, pinch aggregate of them shouting, “I conscionable sewage hit.”

As nan group tried to regain its bearings, 1 of nan hikers tin beryllium heard disconnected camera, saying, “Jacob Johnson and I conscionable sewage hit. I’m ok, but he’s not doing excessively well.”

The camera pans down to Johnson, seemingly unconscious and lying motionless connected nan crushed pinch a achromatic garbage container wrapped astir his body.

“I retrieve it felt for illustration a shot bat had conscionable been swung into my head. And I flew forward, and I blacked out,” Johnson said.

The camera pans down to Johnson, seemingly unconscious and lying motionless connected nan crushed pinch a achromatic garbage container wrapped astir his body. Peyton Bailey

The teen remembers waking up successful a daze, reasoning that he had died.

“I was thinking, you know, is this it? You know, did I conscionable die? I was reasoning astir each nan things that I still wanted to execute successful my life,” Johnson said.

“I conscionable had an overwhelming consciousness of emotion from my Heavenly Father because I knew I had much to do successful this world and from that infinitesimal on, I knew I was going to beryllium okay.”

Johnson, on pinch six different teens, were past rushed to nan hospital, according to nan outlet.

Six different teens were injured erstwhile nan lightning struck during nan hike. Peyton Bailey

The 18-year-old suffered a insignificant concussion and was released a fewer hours later.

“It’s genuinely a miracle, considering nan circumstances,” Johnson told nan outlet. “There had to beryllium immoderate divine involution because there’s nary measurement that, you know, I conscionable get knocked retired connected nan ground, and nan adjacent day, I’m perfectly fine.”

But he believes his religion kept him safe during nan harrowing ordeal.

“When we person faith, religion successful our God that we tin get done those things, that’s what I’ve learned,” Johnson said.

The 18-year-old suffered a insignificant concussion and was released a fewer hours later. KSL News / YouTube

The bedewed crushed acted arsenic a conductor for nan lightning, causing aggregate teens to consciousness nan shock, according to nan outlet.

Salina Canyon is astir 140 miles extracurricular of Salt Lake City.

Around 300 group a twelvemonth will beryllium struck by lightning successful nan United States — pinch an mean of 86 group being fatally hit, according to nan National Weather Service.

The mean personification has a 1-in-600,000 chance of being struck by lightning during their lifetime.

Even nan weakest thunderstorms tin nutrient lightning, and astir fatal strikes hap while nan unfortunate is hiking, swimming, aliases playing golf, according to nan agency.

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