Trump asks judge to halt documents case after Supreme Court ruling

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Fallout from nan Supreme Court immunity determination

A look astatine nan fallout from nan Supreme Court's statesmanlike immunity decision 02:02

Washington — Former President Donald Trump and his ineligible squad asked nan national judge overseeing nan lawsuit involving his handling of delicate authorities documents to region proceedings until she resolves his pending requests to flip retired nan charges based connected statesmanlike immunity and nan constitutionality of typical counsel Jack Smith's appointment.

The mobility from Trump and his lawyers was among filings they submitted to U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon connected Friday, which mention nan Supreme Court's decision Monday that recovered erstwhile presidents are entitled to immunity from national prosecution for charismatic acts taken while they occupied nan Oval Office.

Trump and his ineligible squad based on that nan partial enactment is warranted based connected nan precocious court's reasoning successful that case, which arose retired of Trump's prosecution by Smith successful Washington, D.C., related to nan 2020 election.

"Resolution of these period questions is basal to minimize nan adverse consequences to nan institution of nan presidency arising from this unconstitutional investigation and prosecution," lawyers Todd Blanche, Emil Bove and Chris Kise said successful nan filing. "A partial enactment is besides due to forestall further exploitation of judicial institutions and resources by Executive Branch unit successful relationship pinch nan shameful ongoing lawfare campaign."

Trump asked Cannon successful February to flip retired nan charges brought against him connected nan grounds he is entitled to statesmanlike immunity and that Smith's assignment violates nan Constitution's Appointments and Appropriations Clauses. She has yet to norm connected either of his requests.

The erstwhile president is facing 40 charges related to his alleged mishandling of documents marked classified aft leaving agency successful January 2021 and efforts to obstruct nan Justice Department's investigation. He has pleaded not guilty.

Melissa Quinn

Melissa Quinn is simply a authorities newsman for She has written for outlets including nan Washington Examiner, Daily Signal and Alexandria Times. Melissa covers U.S. politics, pinch a attraction connected nan Supreme Court and national courts.

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